Rotten meat

The whole place was silent, the ridiculousness of such a battle had completely overwhelmed their minds. Everyone here had trained to fight and handle weapons. But this person had basically turned his body parts into weapons.

If considered as a whole, they should be stronger than him. They had more weight, the overall muscle mass in their body far surpassed him due to constitution. But if they were to compare in certain areas only such as pure grip strength or reaction time Zhao Wei far outclassed them.

Besides, although both sides did train, they trained in sparring where their adversary would stop their attacks short. In Zhao Wei's world there was no mercy, the moment he couldn't even dodged properly there wouldn't be any leniency, the end was death.

While the others were occupied on these thoughts Zhao Wei's mind was elsewhere. He'd already begun moving to his vehicle as he needed some healing equipment. He'd used the body assimilation with his skill again. The scar on his left hand would extended from just his hand to his forearm after this one healed.

When he had reached the door he turned towards the lady he'd protected who was watching him silently. "Come in" he said plainly.

After so long in the wild alone, Zhao Wei had completely forgotten any social etiquette or underlying meanings behind certain actions. He turned towards Kitsi who was quite nervous about the situation and urged her to come too before stepping inside. Without anybody noticing, Myra had already dragged the crab's body away and stored it in the vehicle.

Eyisha and Kitsi looked at each other. Kitsi gave Eyisha a questioning look. She replied with a puzzled expression and a shrug of the shoulder. The loyal aid could only hold her head as she felt a head ache coming.

Eyisha entered first. Kitsi stopped outside the entrance and turned towards the warriors who were rooted on the spot, still confused of the situation. "What the hell are you all looking at!? Xeckel!! By the time I'm out, you should have questioned that bastard on the floor and have some answers I like!! Ati!! You're the main defense captain why haven't we set up camp when night is just moments away!? Solith!! Get your....."

She berated them with a string of orders which stunned them even more, the events kept changing too fast. "Well!? Get to it!!" She screamed once more until they finally began to move.

Finally she entered the entrance. Inside, Zhao Wei was sitting on his mattress holding Panda, he'd wanted to offer Eyisha a place to sit but didn't really know how she sat. Seeing his intentions she stopped him from saying anything and simply curled her snake body behind her and sat down.

To Zhao Wei this was something completely bizarre as he'd never even seen someone like this before. Kitsi came in and saw the awkward environment before she asked if she could sit as well to which Zhao Wei nodded.

He'd had so many questions and so many things he wanted to talk about since he'd been in the jungle but now that the opportunity arose he wasn't sure how to start. "I...there's..."

After a few seconds Eyisha decided to start. "My humble name is Eyisha and this person next to me is Kitsi, we are both from the Drasas tribe..." She began, " we would like to thank you for your help in our times of peril, it's safe to say that without your help we would have both been in a lot of trouble back then."

Zhao Wei nodded and placer his plan on himself before saying "Wang Zhao Hui"

"Thank you mister Wang Zhao Hui for your kindness, as princess of my people I would usually bestow some rewards upon you, unfortunately our people are in a precarious situation and I'm unable to give you anything for the time being... as you can see even my own people have sent assasin..."

As she was speaking Zhao Wei interrupted her, "Assasins. More..." Both their eyes shrunk from the revelation.

He'd actually already noticed before the fight with the crab, in the jungle he'd often fight against packs of beasts which made sure he was always aware of the battlefield. He'd noticed that out of all of them, about 5-6 didn't put their whole into the fight, pretending to do some attacks from the other's blind spots and never actually attacked the Boiling Hotpot. 2 of these 6 were the assailants from before.

Additionally, though they checked the rest of the warriors movement, their gaze would always land back at Eyisha as their position had a better angle to attack her than the crab. Although he knew all this and did move towards her to protect her, he did cry genuinely at the scene so he didn't know exactly how to explain himself.

While they were thinking on it they did realize that some of the warriors died mysteriously during the trip. Out of the twenty they brought, three died on the way while two died in their fight with the crab which put them down to thirteen people.

Just as they were deliberating Zhao Wei brought out a piece of meat. Both girl's thought that Zhao Wei was offering it to them at first before seeing that this meat was green and obviously rotten from the smell it gave off. "Crab, eat." Their minds were blown once again.

Although mutations did occur, the main bodies of an animal generally stayed similar to their old ones. Judging by it's shell and balanced claw size, it was mutated neither from a fiddler crab nor a hermit crab but a sand crab. Once he deduced this aspect, Zhao Wei had already sent Myra to search the surrounding for this piece of meat which was put away quite safely.

Sand crabs were those that cleaned it's area of decomposing food to make sure that bacteria isn't bred in a certain area's ecosystem. In the old world, they would clean the beaches of dead bird carcasses such as seagulls. It had been drawn here by this piece of meat.

Zhao Wei had been pretty close to all the assassins during the fight before. He was pretty sure the smell didn't come from them. So besides the six he noticed, there was at least one more who is still hidden. As both girls were wrapping their head around this new information Zhao Wei finally revealed the last information which was the final nail on the coffin.

From 20 people almost half were assassins sent to kill her. Either Jyaha or his group had infiltrated deep into the villages power structures.