
Everyone began packing almost immediately preparing to go as soon as possible. But Zhao Wei had other plans and asked them to leave a map so that he could catch up to them later on. They all refused to leave, as if they were afraid Zhao Wei would escape with their village's hope for survival.

At the end Zhao Wei didn't say anything and just did his thing, first he got several beast bones and made a frame with them. Breaking of smaller pieces to be turned into bolts that would keep them in this shape.

Getting some beast hide he stitched the hide onto the frame to making it look like an accordion's bellows (mid section of the instrument). He could move it up and down like a pump. Now came the hardest part, using some wood, he carved several small pipes where on one end, the rims curved inwards. Just to do that he first had to carve a special knife for himself which curved inwards.

Next he had prepared a small ball which he inserted into the normal end and closed it with a flat surface which he made holes in like a sieve. If he blew through this end of the tube, the ball would move and get stuck in the curved opening. On the other hand if he blew it the other way, air would flow easily and pass through.

Setting these up with alternate sides into the bellows, an air pump was made. When the bellows was pushed down, one of the ends would get blocked of while the other would open allowing air to come out, same thing would happen when it inflated.

The point of this was to connect it to the organs of the flying fish, the fish itself was dead but this organ's structure remained intact. He had two large pumps which he connected to several organs through a series of pipelines.

Next was the final touches and easiest ones at that. He made a sail with beast bones and hides which he connected to the deck of his carriage, and took off the wheels on it in exchange for a rudder he would pull with dried beast tendons.

The next day, the warriors were dumbfounded. The already large carriage were modified overnight, although it lost some height from the loss of it's wheels, it was made up in spades by the establishment of the sail.

Zhao Wei looked out and told them he was ready to go. One of the men took out a horn and blew. Instantly a rumble could be felt on the ground.

Zhao Wei looked to the west where a cloud of dust was billowing. From it several Rhinos emerged, their pitch black skin looked more like armored plates from a tank.

Each of them had a large horn on their heads which split to two sides, looking like that of a rhinoceros beetle. Actually, the only thing that hinted it had rhino like traits were the four thick legs under their bodies. Actually...Zhao Wei couldn't tell if they were rhinoceros beetle like rhinos or rhino like rhinoceros beetles but they looked awesome.

According to Kitsi they weren't technically their mounts, it was based on a relationship between their tribe and the herd. But sometimes they might get very close to a certain person and only allow that person to ride them.

Besides, the Dracas tribe didn't even have the capabilities to feed themselves, if they added these huge beasts onto their burdens, both would suffer. They were just lucky that the shift of their land brought along some of these beasts who could probably take down several other beasts on their own and nourish themselves.

Only problem was a hump it had that grew between it's shoulder blades, for the naga men they would coil their tail around the hump which kept them steady on top of this beast. If they wanted to they could stretch away from the hump to fight in any direction while their tails held them, giving them much more versatility than humans who could only ride facing forward.

For human men however, the humps would be their bane. They could only slide back and forth on the sleek shell, and if they needed to brake... there would only be one outcome. The children would be beaten before they could come out to play. Some might not even want to leave the house anymore.

From then on he decided to call those Child Killers. One day Zhao Wei would release a beast almanac which would confuse the Naga as these beasts were very gentle creatures especially with children...Eyisha would ask for the reason but Zhao Wei would never say a word telling her he forgot.

He asked them to stand back as he hadn't tested the capabilities yet. He pumped the air out once. Nothing happened. Twice, Nothing happened. He tried to pump a free times but still nothing happened. Maybe something was wrong with the organs?..

Eyisha who was sitting on her own Rhinoceros beetle rhinoceros. "Mr. Wang Zhao Hui, is everything alright? Do you want us to just pull your carriage?"

"It's fine!!", Zhao Wei pumped the air faster and harder. Suddenly, all twelve pumps shot out at the same time, the whole thing shot forward very quickly. All the Naga were shocked by such a big carriage moving faster than even their beasts could.

"Woohoo! I'm king of the world!!" Zhao Wei said in a moment of excitement.

Only one hour later would he be graciously reminded to be humbled. Because through all his plans, he'd forgotten one part... The brakes.