
Zhao Wei decided to go back, there wasn't much to think about. This was like the Clay Eaters all over again, even if he wanted to do something, he wasn't sure what. Last time, he could still hurt them, he wasn't sure if he could cause the serpent to itch.

Right now, he just needed to do what he can which was get stronger. He went by his carriage to check on Myra and Panda. Myra could take care of herself. He'd made an access especially for her which was a place that was always giving off a shadow and connected to the inside.

It was sort of like a special tunnel only she could enter and get food from. In a way, he was pretty lucky they entered a desert environment, the air was dry and limited the build up of humidity resulting in fungal development.

After feeding Panda with soup as usual, he took another packet of meat from the storage and headed to Solith's place. He couldn't wait to meet Sola, that cute little girl again.

He called Myra to come with, she hadn't moved around for a few days so she was quite restless when he entered. Besides, he was sure even if she wasn't here that Panda would be fine. It'd take several hundred people to get through all the layers of traps he'd set over time. And if Myra was willing, Sola could ride on her back. Oh how he missed having a camera phone at times like this.

Arriving at the place, he was a little confused. By this time in the day Rona should've been back and he was pretty sure Solith hadn't been sent anywhere else as far as he'd known. Even Sola who was usually messing around didn't make a peep. Something was definitely wrong.

He dove into the house. "Solith!! Rona!! Where are you!! .... Sola!! Uncles's here!!....", as he stepped in, the first thing he noticed was that everything was a mess. The whole house which had 3 rooms was completely turned upside down. Pots and pans were strewn about the kitchen and the bed was torn up, the posts cracking in some place.

The mat in the living room was torn in half. It was the same mat they'd spent several meals together. He sniffed the air, there was the scent of blood, it was still fresh.

"Myra!!" He called her out, instantly the black wolf jumped out of his shadow. "Search for the scent of that blood."

This was the first time he'd commanded her to do anything this way, he'd always consider her his friend instead of just a pet. But he needed to find them, fast. And her olfactory senses were several times his, if anyone could do it she could.

Myra sniffed the air, running out the door she suddenly stopped. Even if Zhao Wei didn't need to look closer it was clear to him what it was, two pools of blood had stained the pavement. It was drying, turning a dirty brown as it mixed with the sand on the ground, it's sticky texture giving off a sweet scent that made Zhao Wei want to puke.

He tried to tell himself that maybe, the situation with the house and these dried pools of blood was just a coincidence. Maybe they were just out, but even he didn't believe what his mind was trying to tell himself.

"Myra..." Zhao Wei said as he crouched next to her, rubbing her neck. But he didn't see her, he was searching... for anything, anyone who could've done this. "Can you follow the scent of the blood?"

With a loud bark Myra bolted followed closely by Zhao Wei.


In the council, Eyisha could only clench her fiat and grit her teeth. The deterrence that Chora brought for her only lasted this long. And up till this point he hadn't said a word, the other parties had already considered him just an observer.

"I think we can agree to this as the final procedure we're going to apply," Jyaha said, "we will delegate the food according to what they contribute to our kingdom, to make sure the leaders and important workers can run effectively until such a time that we can get out of these dark times..."

He spoke eloquently but his message was clear, and both sides agreed. They would share the spoils among themselves and their trusted aids, barely leaving scraps for the people.

"If no one is opposed..."

"I think I would like to hear what the proposal is before we stop or pass it." Suddenly Guru appeared from the entrance.

"Guru... ah, we had already ruminated on this decision on the past few days... I think all the others are already tired of gathering here everyday... if we could settle..." Jyaha fidgeted, he'd been quite outgoing these past few days to rush the decision. In reality such a big thing like this would take atleast 2-3 more days usually, but he'd gone through all the possible methods to attain support from not only the nobles but also several elders, ones who would kill for more benefits.

"I don't think spending a few minutes to indulge an old man who got lost in this huge kingdom would effect their health very much..." Guru stated, chuckling playfully, "Besides I see an old friend joining us today and I would love to hear his opinion."

He turned towards where Chora and Eyisha stood and moved towards them without taking another glance at Jyaha to wait for his response.

When he reached a nice spot, he sat down, hands clasped together on top of his cane and head rested on it. After a few seconds of silence he waved his right hand "Please proceed."