Guru Pitka

The negotiations had started again. The day before Jyaha didn't have the guts to lay out all they had planned before and just said, "I think we need to open up the discussion again... there's not enough thought put into this, everybody should chip in their thoughts..." perfectly denying that the responsibility for such decisions were due to his actions.

Chora still hadn't spoken, and after the entrance neither did Guru. But just their presence made sure the rest had to play it safe and not throw around their weight carelessly. With two great generals, it was basically like the whole military of the kingdom was in play as well. Any retired general who originally picked a side switched almost instantly.

"We could split the level of food given to each person according to their contribution if you want." Eyisha spoke, "But I'm not sure what the nobles could contribute to this cause... unless you open up your warehouses for the benefit of the people... "

The Noble side went into an uproar. "Milady, I don't think that's very fair... the nobles have some of the brightest minds..." As Jyaha spoke a ruckus could be heard outside. Suddenly the doors of the room was torn down with a crash!!, dust flew up covering half the room. Footsteps echoed into the room, each one bringing with it a crackle as it crushed to smithereens whatever debris was under foot.

As the dust settled many people started shouting as they saw the assailant. A human, who was dressed like a beggar dares to be so impetuous here.

Zhao Wei scanned the whole procession of people, eyes bloodshot and the veins in his hands stuck out as it clenched into a fist.

Eyisha and Kitsi were shocked about what was going on, why was he here. Even if he contributed the most to their people, it would be hard to defend him here. Guru and Chora didn't make a move yet.

"Guards!! Guards!!..." Jyaha shouted.

"I don't think they will be coming for a while," As Zhao Wei said so the dust in the hall behind him cleared. Hundreds of bodies were laid about on the floor. A mix match of royal guards and many different escorts for the nobles and guild leaders all groaned in succession.

"Who do you think you are!!" Jyaha shouted.

"That's funny, I thought you'd have known the man whose food you're taking..." Zhao Wei spoke plainly, "Now I haven't really set any conditions on the food I gave out, but I finally thought of one, which one of you is Viscount Urgis?"

"You think you can make demands here!? you stupid human!!" As he shouted this line, Jyaha came forward to attack him, followed by several nobles and some guild leaders. All their Tantras were going to bear down on him, if it hit, there wouldn't even be a body left. But in the next moment they all stopped. It was like they suddenly hit a wall.

Jyaha tuned to the side and asked, "Guru why?..."

"Well I can't let my student die so easily when I just found him a few days ago right?" Guru spoke, turning to Zhao Wei, "Don't look at me like that boy I didn't trick you, my real name is Pitka, Guru is more like a title they give, something like teacher..."

Envy filled the eyes of many in the room, reminiscing how their parents had begged for them to be taken in as a student of the great master and how they had begged for their children to come under his tutelage. And yet here comes a boy who had barely been here for several days and received such luck.

From the fire in his eyes and his heavy breathing, Guru Pitka knew something was wrong. "What happened boy?"

Zhao Wei could only look away he spoke the most difficult words he'd ever said in his life, "Solith and Rona... they're..."

He didn't need to finish the sentence for the old man to understand. His eyes went wide as the blood lust gushed out of him, engulfing the whole room. Some of the weaker ones puked and fainted.

"How... Why...," Even he was shaking from anger, "And the little one?"

"I'm not sure, but she wasn't with the bodies I found..." Zhao Wei replied solemnly.

"Who did it!?" As he spoke those words, the ground around Guru Pitka was caved in, a crater formed like a giant unseen weight had suddenly fallen upon it.

"All I know is that it's connected to some viscount Urgis and that he's supposed to be here today." Zhao Wei spoke, but he was suddenly interrupted by another person.

"Don't you slander anybody boy!!" the one behind the voice was a pale faced youth, at least compared with the old fogies that were in the room. Everyone was pretty clear who it was, it was the same youth who kindled the Guru's anger before.

Jyaha cursed his luck. He'd just allowed the person to come back recently and now the same person was causing trouble for him again.

"Are you viscount Urgis?..." As Zhao Wei spoke, his blood-lust also gushed out of him, almost to the one Guru released.

It was indeed him, he should've said no in the face of two great killers and run away, but his noble pride wouldn't let him. It was admirable, admirable and stupid. ".... So what if I am, you think you can come in here and judge anyone? your not even one of ours..."

He chided Zhao Wei for a few minutes, but it wasn't registering, in his mind he was planning all the ways he would hurt this bas#%rd. "Why did you kill them?" from all the things he was thinking about he needed to know this.

"Why can't I kill them, they were just plebeians anyway... their deaths served a better purpose than having them alive and wasting our food," as he finished those words Zhao Wei had already reached him and smashed his body to the wall holding his collar.