Keeping his word

Zhao Wei pulled Viscount Urgis up, purposely using more strength than he needed to, dislocating a shoulder blade.

"Aah!!, #%ck you, they're commoners, how is it that they are given more privileges than us... even we don't have meat, it's their fault for not offering the best portions to us." Urgis screamed. But it fell on deaf ears as Zhao Wei slammed his fist against his liver.

The nobles were bred with a self centered mentality that puts a priority on their personal needs in order to stay sane and happy and ignores that same need in other people. He couldn't handle this type of people, and he wasn't out to change their mind. How could he? The behavior had been ingrained into them. No, he just wanted to hurt him as much as he could. And that, he could do really well.

Like with beasts, the one thing he was good at was figuring out their bodies and finding the best way to kill them. But it wasn't limited to that, he figured out how best to weaken them, cause them the most pain. Hunting had been a better biology teacher than anything else.

All his strikes had attacked important organs. The liver would destroy his body's ability to detoxify itself. He'd be living his life building up so many different toxins which would become rashes and boils on his skin. He'd be constantly having diarrhea, lose appetite and be extremely tired all the time.

When he destroyed one kidney, he was ensuring that for some time in the future he would be peeing blood. He would feel pain even when relieving himself. No liver, no kidney, his last kidney would hold out only for a few years at most before it finally succumbed as well. He would have a slow death after a miserable life. That and the immense pain of having it crushed.

Killing him was too easy, he'd killed good people and would leave a child parentless and confused for the rest of her life. Even if others came in, they couldn't replace what was missing. For that he didn't deserve death, it was just a little fear and a relief from all the pain he'd inflicted on others.

Guru Pitka moved towards him, "Where's the girl?"

"I don't know any girl.... it was just a wife... and her husband!!" He said between screams and groans.

"Well then there's no use of it anymore" said Guru Pitka as he turned around.

Viscount Urgis wanted to berate Zhao Wei again, or plead for his life or maybe just ask for everything to stop, no one would ever know really. Because at the next moment he opened his mouth, no words came out just unintelligent gurgles.

Jyaha's scalp went numb as he turned towards Guru. He was true to his word (see chapter 66), sometime while the viscount was screaming, his cane moved in between the opening and closing of his mouth and ripped out his tongue.

What was left over was bleeding out and he would die from shock in seconds. Zhao Wei pried his mouth open and poured in a good dose of Death Wish poison, it would slow his blood down and allow it to coagulate.

He stood up once he was done, turned to Eyisha and said "Since it's my provision I do hope you will take care of it well..." before leaving.


"Oaarhhh!!!..... Haaak!!!" Saliva and meat chunks dribbled from his mouth. Zhao Wei couldn't handle it, he wasn't this guy. As soon as he was out of the council building, he dashed around the corner and let it out. Maybe it was easier when it was beasts, but the Naga... they were too close to humans, and he knew exactly what he was putting that guy through.

In the heat of the moment he let it all out on Urgis. It was an excuse. Once the adrenaline subsided, the rush, the anger gone, there was only regret. He was just letting out his rage, there was no justice for Solith and Rona, Sola would never get her parents back. But he could let it all out, 'wasn't that nice', he thought to himself.

Worse still, it didn't make him forget about Solith and Rona. Their ghosts were still haunting him, the image of their dead eyes and pale bodies lingered in his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, he remembered how they were when they died. Those bodies were on him.

He was too naive, he thought he was being kind to them that he was making them live a happier life. But he caused all this, if he didn't come to their homes, if he didn't bring the meat, nothing would've happened to them. He was the killer, he put the target on their backs

He could feel it, this world was breaking him, turning him into something else. If one day, he returned to his place and found his people, he wasn't sure he'd fit in.

"It's not your fault you know" a voice spoke from behind him.

"Kitsi..." he said as he turned around. And sure enough, a silver haired female Naga stood behind him.

"You couldn't have known this would happen, you can't control how the nobles would react... it's not your fault." She said with a straight face.

"One last one... Huuargh!!.." As he cleaned his chin, he turned around and leaned on the wall, Kitsi moved to stand next to him.