
The relief that came was swift, here and gone before anybody could enjoy it. Two days after the food was shared, several people fell to the ground. Dark veins encroaching on any untouched areas of their skin and pitch black blood pooled out of every orifice on their bodies.

The center of the city was cleared for the bodies that piled up to be brought forth. At least 50 were organized in neat rows each laying on their backs, prepared for a doctor to examine. Every few minutes another body would be brought forth and added into the pile.

In the palace Princess Eyisha was pacing back and forth nervously at the sudden change. A servant walked in briskly with a scroll in hand. Her ears perked up in anticipation as he unrolled it.

"The results from the field are that the research is still inconclusive as of right now... ah!!" The messenger screamed as he dodged a trident that destroyed the ground where he was just standing. He was knocked on his butt and sweating at the thought of what would've happened if he was just a second slower.

"Get out" Eyisha spoke.

"Huh?" The messenger looked at her surprised.

"I said get out!!" One of the plates sitting on her desk was sent flying like a frisby towards him.

The man used his arms to cover his face as the plate smashed against them. He got the hint, turning around to dash out the door. "And don't come back until you have a different report!!" She screamed.

She couldn't stand it, just recently did she manage to get a win for her people and suddenly this situation reared it's ugky head. And the medical team on site kept sending her the same frickin' report that basically told her they still hadn't found out sh*^!

For some reason she didnt feel like this was a coincidence, things didn't just happen so conveniently. Suddenly the messenger returned, which confused her as he usually only came in once every hour.

"Princess.. Prince Jyaha is here to see you." He spoke keeping his head down to avoid any eye contact.

She could already feel her headache getting worse as she heard the man's statement and the sound of a heavy lump being dragged outside her office. There was no knock, just an unceremonious opening of the door by chubby and clubbed fingers.

"Ah my dear niece, ...it seems that we have found our kingdom in another dire situation" he said feigning concern as he moved forward to a sofa and plopped down without her permission.

He was mocking her, testing her. He had just waltzed in out of nowhere and entered and did as he pleased in her office without her say so. Even if she was next in terms of bloodline. He knew she couldn't do anything to him easily.

"What pray tell are you doing here uncle?" She spoke courteously despite not wanting to do so.

"I just thought that it's about time for me to chip in to the kingdom's welfare..." he spoke while still relaxed on the sofa. "I've brought my own team of medical physicians to check on the bodies. They should be able to give us a satisfactory answer after some time."

"What makes you think your men would be able to find something even the royal physicians could not?" She chided. Somehow whenever she saw him smiling it made her feel uncomfortable.

"Oh it's nothing, just that as any merchant, my wealth is extremely important to me, but at the same time I'd need to be alive to enjoy it at all...." he spoke "besides medicine, I have had them taught or atleast attempt to reach a certain level of proficiency in diseases, viruses...poison."

"Please please tell me you didn't do this..." she felt her head throb again.

"I would never, you must know my dear niece that although I do frequently join the nobles I am not as idiotic as they are. Even if I may fight for power I still consider that I need to have something to rule over once I attain it" he spoke calmly.

"You do realize I can charge you for treason for those words right?". Eyisha tried to get a reaction out of him.

With a sneer he replied, "Will you?"

She gritted her teeth and finally answered, "No."

"I guess that's that then" Jyaha said, still staring at Eyisha.

He probably got what he came here to do which was to basically gloat at her expense, after which he upped and left without another word.

Even if he wasn't the cause, Eyisha knew he was taking a part in it at the very least, when Kitsi entered she ordered her. "Go to Zhao Wei, make sure he lays low for now, I don't know why but I think the next storm will center around our friend..."

"Mmm.." Kitsi nodded solemnly, before quickly leaving. In all this Eyisha couldn't help but feel amused at the fact that her hand-maiden showed so many expressions since knowing him whereas she was usually stiff and stoic.