
He'd turned into a Mummy! or at least he looked like one. Apparently the whole activity last night had completely drained him until his body looked like it was just skin and bones. What the f^&K!! he thought to himself as he looked at his own reflection. He looked like a humanoid dried prune. Angrily he stomped towards his storage compartment to get some food, unbeknownst to him that each step left holes on the ground.

As he reached the door he felt like slamming it so he pulled it open hard which caused it to fly off it's hinges and smash into a nearby building, leaving a really big crack in it. finally he noticed his own strength as he turned and reviewed the damage he'd caused not just to the street but also his own carriage. All over the floor were small craters he'd made himself, even the front door he'd come out from had been removed from it's hinges from when he opened it. And he hadn't noticed it in the morning due to the sight of Myra's and Panda's transformation, but apparently he'd caved in his bed room floor.

He definitely needed to re-renovate his carriage else he'd be walking on egg shells in his own living quarters. The same applied to Panda and Myra he found out, as they played around inside, they tore everything up from the walls to the floor. Luckily, he'd emptied out the connecting vehicle which used to store most of his food and given it to Eyisha as he really needed the spare parts.

He decided not only to make everything stronger but also bigger, figuring that having two connectable carriages was more troublesome, he tore down the whole second carriage to make one big six wheeled carriage instead. He layered the floors and walls with an extra layer of beast hide and coating making sure they were tougher than steel.

This time he made the carriage into two floors instead of one. He took off the sail he'd set before and remodeled the whole first floor into two distinct rooms. One was his storage which took up most of the carriage's back space while the front was a small empty room where the inner working of the carriage's wheels were visible.

Next to it he built a ramp to go up, even though with their strength now no one in his group really needed it but he was afraid that every time they jumped he would need to repair the floors again. For the second floor, Zhao Wei basically took his old living quarters and glued it on the roof of his storage space and called it a day.

Guru came over for several hours in the morning but seeing his state became a little worried. When he checked Zhao Wei's body he was astonished to find it with much more vitality and sturdier than he was before, all he really needed to do was start eating and drinking a lot. His body had apparently used up any fat and nutrition he'd stored between the organs and muscle fibers.

And true enough, he ate like there was no tomorrow, essentially finishing meat from two large beasts on his own. After that his dry wrinkled body seemed to fill up as the meal was digested but he would be hungry again after an hour or so. Through out that day he would eat at least 15 times before he regained his old looks.

He'd checked with Guru for a nearby black smith and commissioned him with a design he drew on the spot. Since he'd taken out the sail, he really needed a new way to move his carriage.


When he came back from the black smiths he was greeted by a group of armored warriors who stood in their ranks right outside his carriage.

"Are you Mr. Wang Zhao Wei?" One of them asked.

"Yes, is there a problem?" He became a little cautious from the man's eyes which glimmered with killing intent.

"Yes we'd like you to come with us as a warrant has been issued under your name, if you do not comply we are authorized to use deadly force" He spoke as his hand reached for the handle of his weapon. The rest of his men did the same.

"Does Princess Eyisha know about this?" he still wanted to settle this with talks, but he lowered his body to prepare for a fight just in case.

"That is not for you to concern about, and I wouldn't speak the Princess's name with that mouth if I were you, will you come quietly?" They took out their weapons. 12 guys, 3 tridents, 5 dual blades and 4 scimitars, lined up in three rows of 4 in his head Zhao Wei was already calculating the best way to take all of them on.

He marked the one who did most of the speaking, probably the captain of the group. It seems they were still waiting for his answer before engaging so he didn't give it. He dashed into the center of the first line, a trident and a scimitar wielder on either, amateurs.

At such close proximity they still swung their long weapons at the middle where Zhao Wei was causing both to just deflect each other. 2 dual blade wielders behind them cut at him but his feet had already left the ground and his hands caught onto the deflected trident above him and kicked the owner in the face to flip himself onto the scimitar user's chest.

Using that as jump pad he launched himself above a dual blade wielder in the center, catching the man's head in his hands as he passed by and landed behind him. Pushing his butt backward, he bumped against the man's lower body while simultaneously pulling on his head to throw the guy over his head at his companion.

Twisting his body around, he caught an incoming trident under his armpit and wrenched it from the user's hand, swinging it around which caught the faces of two men who was closest to him. One of the warriors lunged at his feet swinging his scimitar at them.

He stabbed the trident in his hands into the ground right in the path of the scimitar's blade causing it to bounce off with a clang. The arm and sword were repelled but the man's face and the rest of his body was still coming at Zhao Wei which he simply side stepped and put his knee where the man's chin was going to be. 5 men left, one without a weapon.

But that was the easier part he thought, as the men were caught off guard and hadn't activated their Tantra in preparation for him, but neither had he.