Up chuck

In another region, all the men had already died. But it wasn't by Traps like wrap traps and the Bite traps but something else. Their bodies were mangled beyond recognition. Squashed flat until they resembled shredded meat more rather than a Naga's body.

If people looked from on top of the buildings on either side they would think they were looking at a giant juicer as flesh and blood flew everywhere, crushed to such a state that they couldn't help but crumble at the slightest of touches.

Above them Myra walked briskly, in a few minutes she'd cleared her second group easily, moving on to the next one which was just a building over. When she reached the next group she yawned a little when she arrived, this was too easy. She crouched low sniffing the air, with her nose she didn't even need to see them, she could tell exactly where they were especially with all the sweat they were giving off from the extreme stress of the situation. She was literally smelling their fear.

Veins bulged on her neck visible even through the fur. Her teeth clenched, grinding against each other, it sounded like the clashing of metal against metal. Her fur bristled in as she gave off a low growl. Then from under her feet her shadow expanded, like live liquid tar it engulfed the whole building she was standing on.

After a few seconds it shrunk back into her normal shadow but this time her legs were visibly shaking. She activated her ability again, but this time it covered the air space between the two buildings. The people at the bottom were surprised by the emergence of a black ceiling suddenly above them.

But their surprise was short lived, or atleast they couldn't live long enough to savor it. A rain of debris, ranging from broken off pieces of concrete to old furniture and all manner of heavy items dropped down on them.

When her shadow stretched before she'd absorbed as much items as she could possible stand and now she was just up-chucking everything right onto the group below who were trapped between two walls of invisible strings.

Once she was done discharging all the excess weight she could start breathing again as gravity seemed to return to normal. Everyone down there had again be turned into unrecognizable beings, it was definitely going to be closed casket funerals. Once she was done she moved on to the next area without breaking any sweat.

With this new ability, she herself could probably clean up half the enemies with ease. Too bad the others wanted to have a little fun too.


Back in the other alley, there was only one person left, the leader who shouted for a count. Every time he counted, 2-3 people would be missing without a trace. It didn't take long before he was the only one left, against the instincts of an assasin, he turned on a torch, sword in his other hand.

The enemy was definitely adept in the dark, better than any of them, so might as well both fight in the light he thought to himself. Every time any sound could be heard, like the clinking of water or the blowing of wind, he'd straight away react to it, his nerves were in too much of a frenzy at this point, frantically scanning for any type of danger.

Suddenly he heard taps, like footsteps on the ground. Instantly he knew it wasn't one of his friends, they'd all been trained not to make a sound. His back was against the wall and the sound was coming straight at him. He raised his torch and prepared his sword to swing at any given time.

But a thought came into his mind, the enemy had been so soft all those kills before, so much that they didn't know how or when they were being killed off. Unless the enemy was messing with them for fun and this was just it's way of showing that he couldn't do anything to hurt it.

As he thought that the sounds of the footsteps became louder as it came closer. In reality it might just be a little louder, but it may as well had been a drum right in front of his face as his heart began to beat in resonance to it's tempo. With every passing second the fingers on his blade grew tighter, almost causing the leather on the hilt to snap.

His eyes began to be able to see the outline of a figure in the shadow, it seemed really small, but it calmly and nonchalantly moved forward.

At the moment he was prepared to strike just as the figure stepped out of the shadow he suddenly pulled back. It was a pure white rabbit with a little stub of a horn on it's head. 'What was it doing here?' He thought, 'maybe it was just in the area when it got caught with us'

Just as he wanted to think that he remembered something. Right now they hadn't seen a single wildlife for months, how would a rabbit pop out of nowhere.

He realized this but it was already too late, when he turned back towards the rabbit it was gone. He was surprised it had moved next to him so quickly but not enough to stop his thinking process as his sword came down on Panda.