The big one

"Why'd you do it!?" Eyisha screamed.

"Does it really matter?" Jyaha said, "either way, I'm already dead."

"Didn't you want to rule?" Eyisha asked, puzzled. It was the one piece of the puzzle she couldn't fit. At this point even if he took them out he couldn't return to a seat of power.

"Well... that really was just a means to an end." Jyaha argued. "I just wanted some change... if I'd taken control, it'd be more elegant... then again, having it wiped out all together is change as well." He began laughing hysterically.

The ground began to rumble, cracking and splitting in every direction. Without warning buildings began to crumble piece by piece.

Screams shattered the peaceful night as people awoke to a breaking world.

A shadow approached Zhao Wei. Myra's head popped up and barked a few times.

"Ah! Crap!" Zhao Wei stood up and pulled out the trident pinning Eyisha to the ground. "You gotta get everyone to evacuate, bring them up the rock formation in the back and get them as far from the center as possible!"

Eyisha stares blankly, still confused on what was going on. "Now!!" Zhao Wei screamed.

"Ye.. yeah!!" She picked herself up.

Zhao Wei ordered Myra to get the others to safety in the same spot and once she was done to find people and bring them as well. With that he left for the exit.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Jyaha lunges at him, a great sword made from Tantra formed in his hands almost immediately.

"Gold class!" Eyisha exclaimed, those were among the most powerful beings in her world and he was facing Zhao Wei with intent to kill. She wondered why now but she wanted to pull him away. But she was already too far.

The great-sword was on its course to bisect Zhao Wei. He hadn't activated his Wrap Trap yet and the weight still bore down on him. Jyaha saw only his victory at hand.

The great-sword followed it's course cutting all the way down to the ground, crushing the stone floor into a deep crater before releasing an explosion whose flames almost licked the sky.

But when it all dissipated, Jyaha was on the ground. Jaw scrunched up, spilling blood and some teeth. Several depressions appeared on his depressions.

It was too fast for Eyisha's eyes but Jyaha saw it clearly. As Jyaha's sword closed in on him, he moved downwards, at the same speed as the sword was closing in on him, maintaining the same distance between himself and the blade.

But the lower he got the closer he got to the hilt. At the point where the sword reached the floor, he was at that small space where the sword was angled upwards where it was held by it's user.

It was the most difficult place to reach, and yet at the same time the great-sword user's weakness. Slipping into the triangle created by both hands of the user holding the sword, it was almost like Jyaha was embracing death itself.

As he moved to stand up, Zhao Wei landed three blows. The weight might be cumbersome to him if he wanted to play it safe, but once he chose to forget about exhaustion and injury, each of his fists were like cannon balls that devastated any thing it impacted.

And he didn't even need to aim. At least half of Jyaha's organs under his ribs could only be described as porridge at this point.

The final punch to his chin was done with the left hand which was still heavier due to Eyisha's Tantra. All his teeth either broke against each other or sank into the opposite gums. Some broke so fast it turned into nasty little shrapnels that eviscerated the inside of his mouth and throat.

But it wasn't just Jyaha that took that ridiculous damage. Like it or not, a gold grade warrior was no push over. As their Tantra grew so did their physical attributes.

His fists were bloody and the skin on his knuckles split to show bone. In terms of pure defense, Jyaha's body was tougher than his. If he'd struck areas with bone, he probably would've done more damage to himself than Jyaha. His left hand was out of commission at least for his next fight, thank god he didn't need it.

Eyisha couldn't even believe what she was seeing. In all her life, the gold grades were almost invincible, throwing their weight around without care, coming back from battle to the worship of the people.

And yet right here, he was defeated in the first move. There was no battle like hers, no exchange of skill. Just a one-sided beatdown. And to think there was a moment she thought she had the upper hand. If Jyaha was down this easy, what was she? A warm up?

As he was going out the door he turned towards Eyisha who still looked at him confused. "Still here?" He asked.

"At least tell me what's going on..."

"Sigh... the big one's coming..." he walked past.

Her eyes showed a look of terror. To call Jormugandr big was probably the understatement of the century.

If he came here, the place would be cleaned out faster than any of them could even decide to run. Big teeth, black scales and a badass name to boot, what wasn't there to be frightened of?

But she wasn't scared of him, at least not as much as the thing in front of her. He might've feigned concern, panic even anger when he found out that the thing was coming here, the way he beat Jyaha would tell anyone that saw it that he was angry for the sake of the people.

His tone was perfect, his expression impeccable, the mouth, the eyes the slight throbbing of veins.

But as he walked passed her, she caught a glimpse of how hard he was struggling. A slight twitch upwards in the edge of his lips, the flash of delight in his eyes, he was almost like a giddy child holding back his laughter at the dinner table.

No, she wasn't the warm up. Jyaha was...