
He didn't bring any weapons, against something of this size, as he might as well use a tooth pick to clean its scales. No, he had something better in mind, though it's effectiveness was still to be tested, this moment was as good as any since he really didn't have a better idea on hand.

Zhao Wei took out an item he'd thought would be fun. It was a long board, not unlike that of a surf board except that it had a sail rising up perpendicularly from the middle. Behind it he attached a few Flying Fish organs he hadn't used, turning it into a jet propelled surf board.

He had no time to pass the entrance so he climbed up the rock formation manually with the board in tow. Once he reached the top it was pretty easy to use it to glide down, holding it horizontally, he parachuted off the edge and landed a little further away.

There was no need to look for it at all. As soon as he reached the top of the rock formation, he'd already seen it. In less than 12 hours it'd reach here from the edge of the waste land. The few kilometers in between was almost negligible to it's speed.

His bandaged hands held up the sail as the Flying Fish organs generated some wind for him allowing him to surf on this sea of sand.

The first order of business was to hold it here for some time. If like the space treated the Jormugandr the same way it treated the warriors, then even an extra hour would be a blessing right now. If it could drain even a little of its strength, even better. But to say that it would have that effect with surety against a monster of such a size was wishful thinking, so it was better to stall it outside first.

Without the extra weight of cargo, the board glided through the sand much faster. As he got closer his face blanched a little more. It was the same difference in feeling a person has between looking at a sky scraper and being right under it. Just the sight of it alone took most of his brain to compute. It was as if all his other senses were blocked off. It's movement generated tidal waves of sand around it. If a house was nearby, it'd probably bury it without even noticing.

He really had to salute Jyaha, that guy was brave to get close enough to such a things to attract it. Zhao Wei had taken a detour to see what Jyaha actually did to bring it here, and it was quite astonishing what he found.

The man had simply slaughtered several animals, taking their organs, urinal glands... basically everything that gave off a strong disgusting smell. Blending all that together he made a cookie trail for the little beastie to follow. It was simple, crude, not something he'd rely on, but he had to admit it's effectiveness right now.

But Zhao Wei saw something different. With that size, just based on it's eyes and nose alone it shouldn't have been able to wipe out all life in this area. If it was just laying waste to everything in it's path, there should still be some stragglers from the other species. No it didn't forget how to hunt, locking down on each and every runaway before ultimately gobbling them up as well. If it was like most snakes, it should have a pit organ, the organic version of thermal sensors, allowing it to lock onto the heat signatures of prey especially in the night.

The only thing protecting Dracas until now was the rock formation surrounding their kingdom which absorbed heat in the morning and became incredibly cold at night, masking their own heat signatures. So far, they'd probably be lucky enough to think about moving out only in the mornings or their position would've been compromised long before he arrived here.

But the hiding place was now more of a feeding bowl instead of a refuge. If everyone was a warrior, they'd be out of there in 3-4 hours. But the civilians numbered the warriors one to three. And that was just taking the term 'warriors' in an extremely general classification. Between each class there were always less and less people. The Silver class could help 3-4, but there were only several tens of them. Those in the bronze grade of Tantra could probably only help 1 person before they were exhausted. It would take around another 5-6 hours in general for them to recharge their energy and go down and help the rest up again. Those below their level, who were basically the majority, could probably only take care of themselves.

To ensure their safety, survival, he planned to hold Jormugandr back for at least 20 hours. Anything beyond that would be none of his problem. If he pushed it farther than that, he probably wouldn't be able to keep his own life.

First, do like Guru planned, play around with it. He opened a pouch strapped to the sail. From it a fine brown and white powder was pulled out.

Throwing a little over head, it spread out in the air like a thin cloud. With a snap of his fingers, the cloud turned into a ball of fire. It wasn't anything complex, wood dust and finely ground flour, quite ample in a dying kingdom and pretty effective to make a small explosion. Soaking it in oil he later dried it in the under the desert sun, on his thumb and middle finger was two small flints, it was the perfect thing to turn this innocent little mix into a raging inferno.

He wasn't sure it noticed, that was.. until it's giant head began to swerve to wards his direction.