
The fight was wasting away at all the tactics he prepared. Some of them did succeed, but many of them brought him too close to death.

Through dodging this beast, Zhao Wei got a small understanding of it's movements. At least in terms of it's speed, Zhao Wei's judgements were always spot on allowing him to keep his life right on the edge of a wire every single second.

Unlike the rest of it's body which moved at the same speed, it's head could suddenly accelerate when it was going in for a bite which had almost taken care of Zhao Wei a time or two.

Unlike what he thought though, this thing wasn't just a big lug. One time when he tried to repeat a tactic, it closed off his escape route with an open mouth.

In that moment he'd had to put to the test what any great cartoon would teach children, throw pepper at the monster's nose. Flicking a whole capsule of it at the thing's nose saved his life even after the teeth were closing around him. He was shot out at a speed no human was ever meant to go at, when he fell the only thing that saved him was the fact that he'd been covered in a thick layer of it's mucus which was several meters thick covering both him and his board like a gelatin shield. If he had to be honest he didn't know which was worse, dying or that, well it almost took his life as well as he absolutely refuse to open his mouth to take a breath, he'd rather die from asphyxiation than have any of that touch the inside of his own mouth.

Good thing was that he'd lasted more than an hour dodging it at every turn. As compared to hunting Guru, hunting him kept it interested as he was not so overwhelmingly fast that it was impossible to catch him, in reality many times he'd been saved by luck alone. The fact that it was always so close to getting Zhao Wei probably kept it's attention on him.

It was good that this lasted as long as it did. On the other hand, instead of it losing interest, it was Zhao Wei who was running out of tricks. He'd had about 10 or so lined up, and he planned to use them all at least 3 times. At this point he was improvising on the go.

At one point he was way too close and it was attacking him from above, even if he was fast, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the circumference of it's mouth.

So instead of trying to speed up, he'd slowed down. Folding the sail so that his board stopped moving forward, the serpent's head bit into the sand in front of him.

He laid onto the board and held on tightly as the waves of sand allowed him to surf farther away from it.

By now he couldn't stall it here any longer, bringing it close to the gate. It was already chasing him quite quickly, it's one track mind locked onto Zhao Wei instead of the giant black entrance in front of it.

It was pretty easy to get it in there, question was how was he going to get himself out of the way. He still had things to do, if it came out much faster than him, all these things would've been for naught.


On the other hand, the evacuation process had it's own setbacks. Like predicted, they were having a hard time bringing everyone up.

Not only the elderly and children, but even warriors under the silver class were having trouble bringing themselves up. In the first place, their biology made steep walls the absolute worst terrain for them to traverse. Their tails which could curl around thick trees in the swamp where they originated, had difficulty finding anything it could hold on or latch on to. With that, their tails just became a lot of dead weight for their hands to support.

Even if they had two more days it would be difficult to bring everyone out. The few Silver class had already been up and down 2 times in this past hour, they had one more pull before they needed to rest and they hadn't even made a dent in the workload. Only Eyisha was pushing herself beyond her limit, the edges of her fingers were chaffed, her last climb finished her Tantra and with a person on her back she finished the rest of it physically.

Coming back down she shouted, "Who's next!!"

Chora popped up behind her, "take a break." He commanded.

"No I can still do one more." Eyisha replied looking for the next person.

"Little one..."

"No!! I can do another one!" she screamed at him, stunning him before she called over an old lady.

Myr walked up to her "I'm sorry girlie."

"What do you..."


It was neither soft or hard but the minute it happened everyone who was making a ruckus quieted down almost instantly, allowing the echo to travel. Everybody's mouths were wide open, never in their history had this happened before. When they were about to think that they were hallucinating, a bright pink palm print started to emerge on her skin.

Eyisha felt the warm sting on her face before she understood what had happened. Myr has never done that to her before, even when she'd acted brazenly.

"If you do this, you're just making it harder on the rest of us," Myr said solemnly, before walking away. "stop being a selfish child and take a break."

Chora was quite surprised, he knew his wife, that wasn't an easy thing to do for her. The girl had come around as their son died, to her, she might as well have been her own baby. She put on a tough face, but he knew it killed her to do it.

He could only look at Eyisha sadly before chasing after his wife.