Kill her

Many years ago when the old king still reigned, Jyaha hadn't yet been as twisted as he was today. He loved the kingdom he was born into some might say it was even to a fault.

If there was any difference between him and his brother, it was their ambition for the throne. Whereas his brother, Eyisha's father worked hard towards his title as a crown prince. Jyaha was fine doing any job he was given, though with no less excellence than the former showed.

Unlike his brother who thrived within the cutthroat environment of politics as well as its inhabitants.

He much preferred the company of the lower class. Even if he knew that they became friends with him not out of pure good will due to his title, they weren't so scheming as those of the upper class.

There he found his love, a sweet young girl named Sala who he felt truly loved him for who he was. Trouble was she was just a commoner. Their relationship not really something people looked kindly upon.

But so was the impetuousness of youth, to believe in the fairytale of love. His affairs as a prince was most difficult to keep private, word got out and at-least in the upper circles his name became the butt of a joke.

The royal family couldn't allow such a thing to weaken their standing amongst the nobles, there were always other families that were looking to strengthen themselves and take their place. This kind of scandal was exactly the ammunition they needed to rally the others.

So the king at the time did what he needed to do. He called for Jyaha in his throne room. The man sat upright, 400 years of age but he retained his stalwart appearance.

"Son, do you know where you err?" He spoke just as Jyaha entered.

Quickening his pace, Jyaha moved forward and bowed. "Father I know how it seems but I assure you..."

"You assure me of nothing!" his retained his volume but the words echoed on the walls.

"I have sat here watching you do as you please, I do not mind that you do not strive for the throne." He spoke. "I don't mind that, the bloodshed that comes with fighting for the throne sets us back many years every time it happens..."

"The whole council supports his reign, and in your position, you can support him from behind..."

"But this, this is something else altogether..."

Jyaha wanted to reply but with a wave of his hand the king silenced him. A servant came forth holding a long chest. Stepping forward, the servant lowered himself as he presented it in front of Jyaha.

"What do you mean father..." Jyaha had a look of terror as he saw a sword laying inside the chest, it was beautifully done, sturdy and well balanced.

"I don't think there's any need for me to explain." The king replied loftily.

Jyaha prostrated himself, "father I apologize for my impertinence but this is not something I can do, I will leave her if I must but at least allow her to keep her life!"

"You can and you will! My blood child here will follow you to do the deed, if you do not wish to return, you can lay there with her." The infamous blood child appeared behind Jyaha before he even noticed, cold sweats running down his back. The king had already decided, if he didn't do it, the job would still be completed.

Jyaha reluctantly bowed and moved out.

As they left, the king's voice echoed through the empty room, "The stone is thrown, there's no taking it back. The council-men do not need words of affirmation, they need proof."

Even then, Jyaha was already silver class. He arrived quite quickly at her home. The assassin just a few steps behind him at all times.

Every inch he moved forward was heavy, in his heart he kept praying over and over that she wasn't home. But many a time, prayers were left unanswered.

As he entered the yard of the house, the door swung open to reveal a beautiful brunette haired young lady. In terms of beauty alone she did not lose to any of the noble women. Her body was thin but firm from long hours in the farm. Small cute little freckles spread right underneath her eyes where the bridge of her nose lay. Just the sight of her and the thought of what he was about to do crushed his heart even more.

"Jyaha! You came early today" she said as she carried several items out the door. "Did you finish your work? You know you shouldn't skip it even if it's troublesome."

"Ye.. yeah." Jyaha could only reply.

"What's wrong, you look tired," she smiled, "just give me a sec I'll cook up something nice... oh who's your friend?" She finally noticed the person walking behind her lover.

"Sala..." Jyaha held her shoulders, in his other hand the sword he was given.

She had finally noticed the situation. "Jyaha, What's going on... is it about your family?"

"No, no it's going to be okay, I'll explain it to you in a while." The grip on his sword tightened. "Just trust me."

He brought the sword up and swung it down.