Finally eating

Guru walked through the ruins of his kingdom, tents were pitched everywhere and the air was pretty light considering they all just lost their homes. Maybe it was that the fear that'd been lingering all this time was now no longer there. In fact, it was exactly what was keeping them alive.

The threat of Jormugandr which was always lingering in their heads was gone and was now their biggest supply after everything else was destroyed. At it's size it would last them years to finish. Moving forward he saw a few people arguing amongst themselves.

He didn't even need to listen in to know what it was about. There was a rift that was dividing the leftovers of the kingdom. It'd only been a 2 weeks since they all almost lost their lives and yet here they were already making trouble. At this Guru could only shake his head in disappointment.

He walked into a red tent a wooden table and bench set up in the middle. He sat down and rang a small little bell on the table. From deep within the tent he heard the cluttering of pots and pans. And from a flap on the middle Eyisha popped out, her hair in a messy braid and a little piece of meat on her shirt. She look tired, some bags under her eyes, but a little more satisfied with herself than before.

"Oh! Guru!" She smiled weakly as she flicked the meat off, a little embarrassed. "Sorry about this, still getting used to doing this, the usual?"

"Yeah.." Guru said. "For two." He said as he almost forgot.

"That person's started eating?" Eyisha looked astonished.

"Yeah, just enough to keep alive though... I keep saying that the energy intake and training is disproportional but you know how it is." Again he could only shake his head.

The tent flaps opened and Chora entered followed by a buff woman.

"Myr, you've lost weight!" Eyisha smiled.

"Don't patronize me grirlie... you know exactly why I look like this!" Myr scolded, her voice not as gruff as it used to be. "You on the other hand seemed to be putting on some weight." In a flash she appeared next to Eyisha and pulled on her lower stomach. "Been putting your hands in the cookie jar too many times?"

"No!" Eyisha tried to get away, a futile endeavor.

Chora looked at Guru and gave a nod to him. With a good slap Guru hit his back, "Can't even greet a person properly anymore?" Guru laughed.

"It's not like that..." he spoke weakly, "I'm just tired of talking..." he say and put his head in his hands. After a while Eyisha came out carrying two packs of food.

"That one finally eating?" Myr asked deh saw the food come.

Guru just nodded as he exited the tent.

He left and headed towards where the beast died, nearing where the quick cement trap broke apart like a cast of it's body which stretched for miles, people didn't come around here much, most of the tents were settled at the edges. Near one end, the snakes skull, or whatever was left of it had been cleaned up, stripped of all flesh and skin. Right behind it, the entrance into the severest mike long tunnel.

Nearing it, Guru put the packs down on the ground and shouted, "Food's here!!" The sound echoing continuously, going deeper and deeper.

He sat down and opened his own before chewing into it. Before long a voice spoke from the shadows, "You shouldn't be eating snake meat old man, your blood pressure will rise through the roof!"

"Bah! I'm not that old.." he purposely ate the meat excessively just to make a point. The other packet next to him already gone.

"Tastes bland." The voice said.

"Well... Eyisha's only been in the kitchen awhile, cut her some slack, she hasn't cooked a day in her life, she doesn't have the talent either but she's working hard." Guru tried to defend her.

"It doesn't take talent to see that one part is black while the other is uncooked." The voice criticized. "She better be putting in alooot of hardwork."

"She is... maybe..." Guru wasn't too sure himself, even he couldn't finish all the food in one pack.

"If you don't like it just bring it back." Guru finally relented. "And stop staying in the shadows! It's rude!"

Finally the source of the voice stepped out, hair just going down the shoulders, bright eyes which had a little sharpness to them. And arms that'd been trained for years adorned the body.

"What were you doing eating that food anyway, it's not yours in the first place." Guru complained.

"It's not like much of it's going to be eaten, can't fight the hunger but doesn't indulge in food either." The distorted voice became more smooth.

"Just bring it in... Thirteen."