Thinking of

He could almost imagine using the Tantra to to focus the circulation to only his finger tips, if he compressed it to such a state wouldn't it be like having a super drill on his finger tips. Forget hardening his fingers to match claws, with those he'd be able to eviscerate enemies without much strength, just brushing it on their flesh would do irreparable damage.

But that was something for another time. Right now, he had all 10 shackles still on his body. Unless his Tantra would surpass the Gold stage he'd never get free of it. But if possible, He did want to learn the training method, and he had just the material to practice on, he smirked as he remembered his last prey. Some teeth, bones and scales made for really good grade crafting ingredients.

But first he needed a separate manual, like everything, there was always a Yin for Yang, an opposite to their polarity. He heard mention of one Tantra technique which was good for hardening materials. It was rarer and most of them turned into blacksmiths, so safe to say that the black smith guild might know the method. If he learned it, with both skills he could craft anything he could imagine.

But that would have to wait for later, for now he had a dinner to prepare. He knew very little about cooking snakes. At most he'd seen it being done about one or two times, even then the size was completely different as the ones he had were the size of sections of beef instead of snake meat.

In a large basin he put water and lemon before dropping the loads of meat in. Repeating the process, he did another 40 more of these just to make sure that he had enough for everyone. It was funny how being enhanced not only helped in a fight but in everyday life as well. Zhao Wei didn't notice it as his heart was in the food, but he was moving between each stage of the preparation at an almost blinding speed.

He didn't like the flavor very much, but the texture suited him quite well. It contained the succulence chicken meat and yet it contained the slight chewiness of frog, quite a weird combination, but it worked nonetheless. Despite it's size, the flesh of the Jormugandr had very little streaks of fat in the lining of it's muscles making Zhao Wei's job much easier. Cutting them into thin slices, Zhao Wei rolled them around a bed of pepper, salt, a little cumin and quite a lot of chilies. He was hoping to draw flavor with spiciness rather than the meat which was for lack of a better term, not for everyone.

Once he was done, he basted the top with a little tomato juice to give it a slight sweetness before dropping the rolls into a pan. No smell came out while he cooked despite the sizzling of meat against the pan.

It took a total of 3 hours to finish cooking all the meat he'd prepared. It wasn't that he'd slowed down, it was just that the thing probably had a high fire resistance when it was alive making it hard for the heat of the pan to cook it completely, finally giving up, he decided it would be easier to skewer it and cook it right inside the fire itself.

The cooking process sped up greatly but at the same time, he had to do it skewer by skewer instead of three or four pieces at once in a pan. He was just lucky it took the people a longer time to gather. Else, they'd be watching him work which made it little harder to progress, his body would become a little stiff from the anxiety of being on display.

As the people came they were surprised to find some rolls of snake meet plated for them, as time went by more and more joined their friends and families in the event, making it way too crowded as he only wanted to hold something small, but somehow now, outside, he could only see the heads of slightly taller Naga while the rest merged to become a sea of mix matched hair.

Just as he was worried that he didn't have enough prepared, a voice rang out from behind him. "Hey," It was distinctly female, and someone he knew very well. "...I heard you wanted to gather some of the people tonight so I just decided to come and check it out..."

As Zhao Wei turned, he was a little surprised, but it didn't tak long for that to change into elation. Grabbing her hands in his own he said, "You're exactly the person I've been thinking of, come with me."

The face of the girl blushed deeply before she realized she the intimate and close position she was in. A resounding slap tore through the bustling street.