Drop it

As he watched Zhao Wei work, he saw that the kid was even more meticulous with this piece in comparison to the others.

'He must be trying to make up for all the jokes' he thought to himself as he relished at the sight of the skill Zhao Wei used to prepare his piece. Finally what come out was a perfectly browned piece of fish.

Jeff couldn't hold his delight as he saw Zhao Wei carry it forward, compared to the rest it was especially made for him. As Zhao Wei reached him and bent down, Jeff had already begun anticipating the flavor profiles he'd be tasting.

But in the next moment he felt that something was wrong, Zhao Wei bending his upper body was followed by his legs bending as well. With a nice Plop! Zhao Wei sat down between him and Thirteen.

Jeff's brain was still trying to compute what was going on as he saw Zhao Wei cut a piece for himself and StuffIt in his own mouth, looking delighted as he chewed on the delicious morsel.

"What are you doing!? That's my piece!!" Jeff snapped, eyes becoming blood shot as he pointed at Zhao Wei's plate.

His reaction was retorted with a questioning look from Zhao Wei. "How is this your piece?" He asked.

"Bu.. Bu. But you said you'd bring over the next piece for me!" Jeff whined.

"Ah... so that's what you thought... I said I'd bring over the next piece, but I meant for me to eat, why would I give you anything?" Zhao Wei stayed as he took another chomp of his meal, being purposefully flamboyant in the act.

"He...hehe.... hehehe... hahahaha!!" Jeff's laughter began to show tinges of a horrific future, in his eyes a hint of lunacy. "Boy!! You don't know who you're messing with! I the blood child of our former kings have carved paths of blood for the whims of my king, do not doubt that I will be able to do so for my own."

In the next moment he disappeared, his Tantra covering him and making him traceless.

To any fighter, not knowing your opponent was extremely dangerous. Despite knowing his Tantra's effect, Zhao Wei knew nothing about how Jeff fought, his habits, his attributes... nothing.

To make things worse, he was absolutely traceless. It was one thing to be invisible, but there was no smell, no sound, not even the wind gave away the position of this former assassin. The only thing Zhao Wei had was motive.

As soon as his sense of danger tingled, he didn't defend himself or start with a counter instead he raised the plate above his head. Dodging just enough that the fish just missed getting impaled by a fork that appeared out of nowhere.

Next Zhao Wei put his own body between where he thought the fork had come from and the food.

At the very least, Jeff would have to go left, right or above him to touch the food. What he didn't expect was for his leg to get wrapped up and pulled away by what he assumed was a tail.

That single lapse caused the fish to drop from his hands. He watched in horror as it closed the distance to the ground quickly. But in the next moment both plate and fish disappeared from his sight.

The old man had definitely caught it, but he wasn't done yet. He felt the tail try untangle it self quickly, still coiled around his ankle. Sitting up, he caught it just before it slipped away.

With a good tug, he pulled Jeff back towards him, the direction of the weight told him exactly where Jeff was currently at as he threw him in the opposite direction.

In that split second he stood up and deduced the point where the food flying at based on his previous memory of Jeff's height and his walking posture. Placing his hands right where he calculated.

As luck would have it, a plate appeared out of thin air, landing very precariously on one of Zhao Wei's arms. He barely had time to adjust his hands on the plate before a slab of fish slapped on to it.

Just as he was about to smile about his victory, he saw a movement right under his nose, he raised the plate up high to avoid what he assumed was another fork only to find a knife instead propped against his neck.

"Drop the fish or I'll have to settle for a different protein tonight." Jeff said actually exuding a threatening aura.

Zhao Wei looked down at the knife on his neck and then towards the plate, and then back and forth a few times to consider his decision before finally saying "Alright." He said mischievously as he tilted the plate causing the fillet to slide off it.

Jeff watched in horror as he saw his prize escaping his clutches heading where gravity led it.

But half way through he saw a shadow beneath it which was obviously Zhao Wei's mouth which was faced upwards and ready to swallow the ingredient as it entered his mouth.

With a snap, the prize Jeff fought for was gone.