
"Yowch!!" Zhao Wei screamed as he dropped the arrow, finally feeling the sting in his hand.

It wasn't as clear when they were moving all around him but apparently there were carvings on the shaft of these arrows. Lines and curves formed from the arrowhead all the way down to it's feathered end, moving in such a way that the arrow could ignore the air resistance and continue at it's speed even after rebounding dozens of times.

Scraping against these carvings shaved a little skin from his palms, if he had to catch every one of these arrows he probably wouldn't be holding anything for a week.

The next method would be hitting them away which would pose another problem. With the effects of the walls he'd need to hit it just right that it wouldn't be able to bounce back but strong enough so that the arrow would stop instead of just going another direction.

Zhao Wei spent several minutes waiting and watching the angles they would bounce around, learning to predict where they'd bounce and how they'd bounce, staying in this state so long that another batch of arrows were launched in.

In total he had to keep track of 14 arrows right now, all seemingly random in their maneuvers. After another few minutes, finally Zhao Wei made his move.

Following one of the arrows he pushed it away diverting it just a little bit, as the arrow bounced twice and was on route to the next wall, it came very close to another arrow that was coming it's way from the exact opposite direction.

Tsk! Zhao Wei clicked his tongue after seeing it miss. But he didn't have time to regret seeing as the arrows were still moving.

Locking in to his next target, Zhao Wei repeated a similar move, except with a little more control and at a different angle.

He didn't even need to watch as it whizzed behind his back and cut off some of the hair on his nape before coming into contact with another arrow head just above his shoulder. Tip against tip, for a moment, even less than a split second, the arrows stopped, a vibration running the tip all the way to it's fletching before the arrows decided to fall just centimeters from each other.


In the dark, one of the inhabitants of the place was observing the captive closely. When the event happened, this person couldn't help but clench their fingers on the handle of the chair in astonishment, taking a few seconds to breath before analyzing what just happened.

Even if the captive had decided to do that maneuver, it shouldn't have been so perfect. If there was a misalignment even to the microscopic level the arrows would have still collided, but their force wouldn't have negated each other so perfectly and the arrows wouldn't have landed so aligned with each other.

This was after this man had failed the first time. Just to get so close in the first try was already an astonishing feat in such a situation, and suddenly a follow up with such a perfect outcome should be impossible and yet that very thing was happening right now.

The observer had thought that just the physique and reaction time alone were already crazy despite the captive's seemingly normal frame. But the calculation ability of this person was something way beyond what any human should be able to do.

Succeeding could be a fluke, but this went beyond just success.


Back in the box, after the initial success, it didn't take long for Zhao Wei to finish the rest as it became easier and easier to finish the arrows off considering that every time he'd do the same maneuver he'd take two out of the picture.

Even if another batch came in, it couldn't match how quickly he was finishing off the arrows that were flying about. He'd reduced the numbers to just 2 arrows flying about in under 20 minutes.

This time, they both came at him from opposite directions, one was aimed at his spine from the back and another at his heart. With a breath, Zhao Wei brought a finger out in front of him as he gently tapped the shaft of the arrow coming at him to the right. As he did so his feet side stepped to the left allowing the arrows to meet face to face before finally falling to the ground.

Zhao Wei just stood there for a moment, every calculation still running in his head, at this point, he'd finished off exactly 12 batches of arrows in the 30 minutes he'd been in here, amounting to 48 arrows all with diverging paths.

Even now there was still a final calculation he had to make. Tapping his foot once, twice, thrice... suddenly at the eleventh rap he suddenly lunged just as a part of the wall opened to reveal four holes, in an instant he jammed his fingers into the structure, bending it as 4 thumps were suddenly heard behind it.

This was his final calculation, he drew the trajectories of the arrows all the way back to their origin which he considered to be the only part of the wall which was vulnerable to any form of physical force, and he counted it right to the last second between it's opening and the launching of the arrows, any slower or faster would've resulted with him gaining new holes in his body.