
'I was trained to cut throats before I was even taught how to live.' A knife swung, perfectly landing on the jugular cutting a big enough hole for to fill a bucket from.

'Every fiber of my being, molded, shaped into the likeness of a killer.' Thirteen swung between the enemy's legs, cutting into both the left and right Achilles tendons simultaneously.

'Most days I don't even need to look to know where my knife is supposed to go.' Her tail wrapped around one of her enemies legs and tripped them right on her awaiting blade.

'Yet it seems, I wasn't taught to kill everything' She pulled her blade upwards, cutting all the way from the solar plexus to the head, just before dodging a strike that came from her side.

Backing up against the wall, she took a deep breath to stabilize herself as several muscular bodies picked themselves off the ground.


2 hours ago.

"Are you sure you can't find a way to enter? Even through the shadow?" Thirteen looked at the looming tower with the comically giant ball perched on it. Beside her, Myra could only whine in response.

She couldn't quite settle her nerves as she looked up. Despite her age, she'd been sent to nearly every known kingdom, at least, for those in her world. Either someone was hiding something way too deep that she wasn't able to find it, or this wasn't from her world. That however also meant, that she wasn't exactly sure how to get the others out of there. Well... she wasn't even sure how she'd get in, in the first place.

The walls of this thing were much tougher than the slim design would let on. She expected as much considering it was lifting a whole micro-environment on it's own, but to their astonishment Myra and Panda's kicks didn't deal more than a crack on it's surfaces. Everything considered, at least it wasn't invulnerable, which meant there has to be a way to tear it down.

Though looking around, Thirteen considered that to be easier said than done. In the first place, they were in the desert, it was pretty difficult if they expected to tear down the walls by flinging sand at it. A spark suddenly went off in her mind, though as she looked at the object of her thoughts, she could only apologize to Jeff and Zhao Wei first in her mind.


"You guys ready?" Thirteen spoke. Myra could only give a low growl in complaint of what they were preparing to do, this could end up a triple suicide. "Chii Chii Chi Chi!" Panda squeaked, bracing herself for action. "You guys realize I don't understand what you're saying right?" Thirteen kept her eyes straight ahead, "The fact that you guys are on board with me just looks like approval right now!"

As she said that, she pushed a lever forward, and in a moment the carriage starts moving, gaining speed. A slow roll turned into a full on dash across the distance between them and the structure. At some point, the thought of whether they would survive the ordeal or not finally surfaced on Thirteen's mind, but it was a little too late as the speeding vehicle smashed head first into the building eliciting a nice boom as it did so.


The result rubble was just a mix of concrete and blood. A group of people rushed over with heavy footsteps as soon as the incident happened. One stood ahead of the rest, "What the heck happened!?"

"We don't know squad leader, everything was fine when this things came barreling out of nowhere like a bat out of hell and rammed the building." One of the firsts to reach the site answered respectfully.

"Any casualties?" the leader asked.

"None of our own..." The person bent down to check the rubble, inspecting a puddle of blood nearby. "But it seems that at least whoever decided to make a mess of things was also taken down in the crash."

"There's nothing good about that, now there's no one to account for the damages and we have another headache on our hands, let's just quickly fix the axle so that we can lower the camo so no other lunatics would decide to run straight into us again."

"We can't do that." Another person spoke up, "The building's structural integrity might be compromised even if it's just a blow to the wall, if we pull it down now, we might have the whole thing coming down on our heads."

"Fine! we'll get this thing patched up! How long's that gonna take?" The leader asked.

"About 4 days at the very least, 3 if we do just the bare minimum." One of them answered.

"Sh#$!, Well your group better get to it then!" The leader and several followers left, minutes later the rest of them followed.

Finally, when the section was emptied out. From the shadow of a large rubble, Thirteen and Panda popped their heads out.