Vivid Imagination.

Jeff spit out some blood and two teeth onto the ground as he pushed himself back up.

"Sorry, we don't really have sense of age," Gren9 brushed the spittle off her, then looked up in a smile as she pulled out the knife. "in the first place if you wanted to count, I'd be less than a year old, I'm not sure what barbaric trash heap you come from but don't they have something against infanticide?"

"I've heard of kids growing up too fast, but this is ridiculous." Jeff murmured. He lunged forward towards Gren9 who didn't even move. As he came close enough, her hand shot out lightning quick en route to his face which he slipped under. He coiled his tail around her legs and swung her at a wall.

During the release however, her idle hands grabbed at his tail, scraping some scales off it as her body was pulled by the momentum. It was an attempt by him to fling her against the ground but it didn't even seem to phase her when she landed on her back, she instead pulled on the tail and Jeff with it, throwing him at the wall next to her creating many cracks as he landed.

He tried to turn himself invisible, but she'd already walked over and clasped her hand around his neck. Lifting him up, out of the rubble and dust that was left. "You know? you amuse me, I can't believe that you stood up against 20 of us for so long. Heck even Gren1 had a hard time catching you, not like that young friend of yours, he went down like a sack."

Jeff was still grinning, even after being pummeled like a rag doll. The old man had something in him that didn't let him show the enemy they were getting to him. But that defiant smile was gone, replaced by a fuming rage that had his hands try to claw away any piece of her he could reach as he choked.

Just as he turned purple, Gren9 dropped him on the ground, allowing him to keep what little breath he had. "Huk! huk!, you bi%^h! what did you do to him?"

"That was quite rude." Gren9 frowned, "I'm going to let that slide this time but that's just because I still need you alive."

"What do you want from me?" Jeff asked, but seeing her hesitate his grin returned. "You don't have him do you?" Her glare turned cold. "You don't have him and you're hoping I know how to find him, Hahahaha, that's rich!"

Gren9 was unhappy with the statement, be she couldn't really refute him. "I won't lie, your friend was more resourceful than I made him out to be, and he seems have a propensity for being a growing thorn in my side, I need you to locate him as soon as possible."

"Hahahaha!" Jeff laughed before shooting another spittle towards her, only to find himself getting pummeled in the face.

"Do you think this is funny?" She asked, "I could kill you easily right here right now, and I'll make sure you feel every excruciating moment before you draw your last breath."

"Why don't you go ahead, I've always wanted a peaceful death." He retorted.

She was troubled by his reaction, she expected at least some fear and grovelling from the man, and yet under the threat of death he was still ever defiant. For a moment she was perplexed at how she was going to control him, but then a distorted smile appeared on her face.

"You know, there are worse things than death..." Looking at that face, Jeff couldn't help but gulp despite putting up a strong front.


"So it's gone then?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"Not even some pieces are left?"

"Well. there should be SOME, but I doubt you could use them for anything other than fire wood."

"But I just remade the engine..."


"And attached Jeff's stall in less than a week ago..."



"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Thirteen snapped.

Zhao Wei frowned, "You don't sound that sorry to me..." he sulked. Thirteen was grinding her teeth trying not to punch him in the face.

"Myra's got most of the materials though." She said as she turned towards Myra who was now somehow being lifted up by the newcomer in a hug.

She'd brought them back to the place Gren207 had kept her. Immediately as they entered the small room the wheezing pile of flesh that was Grendolyn suddenly became energetic enough to function like a proper person. Catching the overly large dog who was being swung around like a giant stuff toy, her paws reaching towards Thirteen and her eyes begging to be released from the ordeal.

"You said her name was Grendolyn?" She asked Zhao Wei.

"Why don't you ask her, every little girl needs a friend." He patted her head.

She groaned in defiance but didn't move away from his touch. "One day I'm going to cut your tongue off and feed it to you."

Zhao Wei just smiled at her, "It's nice to have such a vivid imagination, I'm sure the both of you will get along so well."