
For a moment, silence filled the room. However, this was broken by a large snap! that reverberated through the room. Both Zhao Wei and Thirteen weren't sure what was going on as they saw Gren207's hand fly and smack Grendolyn across the face. In response, the later just stayed quiet.

"You're not dying." Gren207 said "You're just... pathetic."

Once she was done, she turned and walked out the door, followed by Thirteen.


Zhao Wei sat next to her on the bed. He wondered what he was supposed to say, finally opting to stay quiet instead. "I am dying..." At some point she began to speak, trying to explain herself.

"But you don't have to." Zhao Wei finished it for her.

After a few seconds she sighed and answered. "No I don't."

Her voice like a soft whisper. "Eeveryday my body reverts between several days and whole months, once it catches up and settles, my body would be torn apart from the rapid changes."

"But there's a way to stop it, probably what the Originals were doing..." Zhao Wei made the conjecture.

"Yeah" She continued. "The process, requires me to reabsorb them into myself and once that's finished, the golem will cease to exist. It was fine before I found out they could come to life."

"At some point they gain individuality, at first that's okay because it just helps them think outside the box when doing orders, but after some time, it settles in, they begin to process information on their own, they begin to have feelings and characters which deviates from my original."

"They become their own person. And in the end I'm not sure that saving myself in exchange for depriving any of them of their own lives is worth it."


The other two were somewhere around the corner in the hall, Gren207 sitting on the floor while Thirteen stood next to her.

Gren207 pulled a knife from behind her. "You know, I always told myself the day I meet her is the day I kill my creator." Thirteen didn't answer, but nodded in confirmation. "We never thought about saving her, we just didn't want her being kept by the Originals to assume control over us."

"Down here, they put us in routine jobs to make sure we stay a mindless worker day in and day out, limit our ability to think creatively so we can just wait until they come to pick us for deconstruction."

"So I always thought, 'hey, if we kill her, maybe we'll live free'. And today, when I saw her I wanted to do it, but I thought I wanted to see what kind of person she was before that, and when I looked all I could see was just an embarrassment."

"And it wasn't like she was embarrassed of us, that would've just made the job easier, she was embarrassed of herself. That she could be the original, that she could have the choice whether she could live or die while the rest of us are just waiting for the butcher to pick us on our lucky day.

"We're here always trying to preserve the sense of life we think we've accomplished, we think we're our own person, I! Want to believe that I'm my own person. But I don't have that choice, no matter how much self actualization I have, I know that in the end, inside I'm just a pile of earth stuffed into a nice wrapping. And yet while we're fighting for our lives, the villain we've been using to motivate ourselves prefers to lose hers, isn't that the biggest joke." She held her head in . "I'm so frustrated right now I want to cry, and somewhere in my mind, the parts that came from her tell me this is the best position to cry in." As she looked up, Thirteen could see her bloodshot eyes. "But I have no tears."


Grendolyn turned to Zhao Wei who was bent down, propping his hands on the bed. "Do you understand?" she asked.

"Of course not why the hell would you understand something so bizarre," She spoke to herself out loud.

When she turned to Zhao Wei again however, there was no reaction from him whatsoever, he never even moved an inch.

"Zhao Wei?" she touched his shoulder, only to have him slump down and crash into the floor, she quickly fell to the floor next to him, screaming his name as she shook his body.

Only after a sometime did she realize that there was someone behind her. But before she cold turn around, she felt a sharp sting in her neck and fell to the ground as her vision went black.