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In this situation where Zhao Wei couldn't even see the attacks coming, all he could do was go for a hail mary. He quickly moved backwards trying making some distance between himself and Jeff. Jeff of course didn't give him the chance.

In the next moment, he kicked out, planning to hit Jeff right as he was supposed to step into his wrap trap. But he hit air, instead he found his right calf with three cuts on it, followed by a punch to his face.

As he was knocked backwards, he felt a tail wrap around his abdomen, lift him and throw him towards the wall. Smacking straight into it upside down, Zhao Wei used his arms to cover his vitals, and sure enough he felt Jeff's dagger stab his arm which was covering his neck. Without a moments notice, he kicked downwards from his upside down position and felt it hit something.

He realized a moment too late that he'd only hit Jeff's raised guard. Jeff twisted around, taking the leg and slamming Zhao Wei heavily on the floor. After all the accumulated damage, he coughed a mouthful of blood right as he rolled out of the way as a cut mark appeared where his body just was.

In the next moment he raised his left leg while his back was still against the ground, kicking out into the empty space, but this time he felt his kick connect with a tail which was probably on route to smacking him. The colliding forces slid his body backwards and he took the momentum to go into a back roll.

Hoping he could use the small window to gain some ground in this fight, he rushed low with his arms crossed in front of him. He was hoping to slam into Jeff's body. But as he saw this coming, Jeff leapt, jumping above Zhao Wei as he passed under him. Not forgetting to land two knife wounds on the kid's back while midair, ultimately landing in a roll from the other side.

But as Jeff stood to face the kid again, the kid had already turned and thrown a horizontal kick that just missed hitting him by inches. He was truly impressed at this point as the kid had been trying to anticipate his moves and even tried baiting him into a vulnerable position with that last move.

All through the fight, he'd been reacting to all of Jeff's attacks. And if he was honest, they weren't off their mark. He'd always predicted where Jeff's body was, the only down side was that Jeff was a veteran in these kinds of things, even if he was quite rusty, his ability to adapt to changes in any fight was still there. At all those potential hits, he'd adjusted himself just a little to dodge perfectly, if not he'd probably come out a little more rough in their exchange.

Not just against his attacks, but Jeff had continuously memorized every surface Zhao Wei had touched to make sure he didn't get caught. As for any traps on Zhao Wei's body, he was surprised he lasted this long without touching one, he didn't know that Zhao Wei didn't have a lot stock piled right now.

Needless to say, the fact that he survived this long was quite a surprise. But his time was running out. Even before Zhao Wei's body slid to a stop, Jeff was already en route jumping over Zhao Wei's body, his knife aimed at the neck. Zhao Wei raised his hand, the knife pierced right through his hand and was still moving towards him, slowing down as he pushed it away.

Jeff had mounted him, his tail coiling around Zhao Wei's other arm to keep it away while he pushed his weight behind his knife. Zhao Wei raised his legs, coiling them around Jeff's waist to try and pull him off of him. In retaliation, Jeff raised his free hand and brought it down heavily on Zhao Wei's face, the back of his head smashing on the ground.

He was in a daze, but Zhao Wei could swear that he heard his nose crack. Jeff landed fist after fist all over his face, at some point his face was covered in more bruises than skin. Finally, Zhao Wei's hand went limp.

"Couldn't have just listened and make this easy could you." Jeff sighed. He pulled his knife from Zhao Wei's hand and raised it up just above Zhao Wei's chest, "Sorry kid."

He brought it down swiftly and with little hesitation. But the knife had only pierced skin and drew droplets of blood before it stopped in it's path. Jeff had suddenly had his body pulled back, behind him a furious Thirteen had coiled her tail around his neck and pulled Jeff away.