Only one standing

It was a simple tag team move but the timing was perfect, Thirteen had moved right into Jeff's momentum where he couldn't put his brakes on and dodge the sudden attack fast enough. Too bad for her, he wasn't a Blood Child instructor for nothing.

Even in that small gap, the fact that the cutting angle for her strike was so ingrained into her body was an opening he could exploit even in this dire situation. Of course this wasn't without a cost.

He had to intercept the attack with his free hand to catch it in time. Even though the blade was caught between his fingers, a part of it still dug into the flesh of his palms. Skin and flesh split apart as a fountain of blood began to spurt out.

Thirteen was shocked, to be honest she was only hoping to hold him off, she could only contribute the whole thing to luck. But she should've kept moving.

With her knife's blade in his hand, he twisted it with her arm. Losing her weapon in this part of the battle was a no go for her, but even if she wanted to drop it, it was already too late. With her arm twisted upwards, Jeff's tail didn't miss the opportunity, lashing at the section of her elbow, landing with an ugly Snap!

Her arm was now bent in an unnatural way and she gritted her teeth to suppress a scream. Her mind was too blurry from the pain to notice Jeff's knife hand already coming at her. Once it landed there was no question about the result.

The strike flew unhindered towards her flesh, and in the next moment warm blood had splattered the walls. Thirteen closed her eyes, having resigned to her fate once she realized the blow was coming and knew it was too late to move out of the way. As blood splattered on her face, she felt her body go limp as all energy left her.

Her muscles had suddenly relaxed itself, even twitching wasn't something they were capable off right now. All she felt was her body sloshing around in a puddle of blood which felt warm against her quickly cooling body.

She waited for the dark to embrace her, and waited... and waited. Until she heard a voice speak to her, "How long are you going to stay down there?"

As she opened her eyes she saw a baffled Zhao Wei staring down at her, looking down at her body, she saw a horrific amount of blood staining her skin, but there was no wound of her own. Only when she looked up did she realize it wasn't her blood.

Jeff was pinned against the wall, Zhao Wei's staff had impaled him right under his collar bone. As his blade was moving to cut thirteen down, Zhao Wei didn't have any time. And although he couldn't see Jeff, since Thirteen was tangled in a close combat with him, he figured out the old man's general area.

Even though, this move of his was a huge risk, he really had no choice but hope this next move didn't hit anything vital and the force not instantly kill the old man.

Being too far to interfere, he did the only thing he could do right now, he threw his staff like a spear as hard as he could. It broke the sound barrier, creating mini sonic booms as it moved in that split second between him and his two fighting companions.

It had cut through the air and appeared right next to Thirteen's neck, the wind pressure rippling through her skin as it passed by. The upside was that it was passing through, intersected with the path of Jeff's blade which rebounded off the wooden surface.

The staff continued on it's course and continued toward's Jeff's body. As it made contact, the force literally turned the flesh around the area of impact into meat paste, breaking apart muscle flesh and bone to create and path way for the staff to pierce through and take him with it to the wall where it destroyed the solid surface, only stopping when it slid half way in.

The blood that spattered onto Thirteen was his. Her body had just suddenly relaxed when she thought she was dead. The switch from the previously intense battle rendered it completely limp on the ground.

As for the blood around her, it was actually mostly Zhao Wei's. Funny how he was the only one standing right now out of the three of them despite receiving the most injuries in this battle. As for Jeff, he hung on that wall, breathing heavily as the impact probably broke some bones in his chest as well, blood spewing out with every 4-5 counts of his labored breathing.

At first he tried to struggle, trying to push himself off the staff through the hole in his body. But in the end, even if he could fend off the pain, both his arms were too injured to put in enough strength to take him down from this thing. But really in the end he could only smile. He was either the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world.

In the moment that the staff came flying towards him, if his strike didn't hit the staff first, it would've hit his chest just about a few inches lower, but that would have torn through every vein and artery around his heart if it didn't just take it out as well.

As for why he was unlucky...