That's new

"I really don't recommend you fight them." Grendolyn finally spoke out.



"Really? nothing? I'm being serious here." Grendolyn complained.


For another few seconds she stood at the edge staring at them, waiting for a response that most probably wasn't coming.

"Haaa..." Thirteen finally caved, "I'll bite, why?"

"They're super strong" Grendolyn stated as if it wasn't obvious.

"We know." Thirteen replied plainly.

"They outnumber you, minimally... 10 to1" Grendolyn continued.

"We know." Thirteen replied.

"They're nigh immortal and none of the things you do have a slight chance of hurting them, atleast none I've seen so far."

"We know." Thirteen returned to her whetstone.

Exasperated she tried to phrase it another way. "The way I see it, there's a 30-40% chance you all get killed from the get go and a 50% chance that you don't. You put up a good fight knocking all of them down left and right, showing a lot of guts in the face of extreme circumstances which is very honorable, but even if you're powerful the fight will continue. It might take minutes to hours or days but you fall anyway."

"I noticed you left out 10-20%." Thirteen retorted. "Does that mean we suceed?"

"Succeed in doing what!?" Grendolyn tone raised a few syllables. "What exactly are you gaining from picking this fight?"

"Answer the question."

"You survive.. but that means you walking away from here, forget this place, whatever has happened... just.. walk away, and if possible take me with you."

Instantly she was met with the silence once more, with only frustrated thoughts filling her head just waiting to come out.

"Seriously! you're going to f^&king die! and it's like I care more about it than you do! this isn't a nice fairy tale where the brave heroes get a happy ending, you just end up forgotten here s..."

"We know!!" Thirteen snapped. "You think we like staying here dealing with this.. this.. It's so messed up, they should make a word for it. And for the record you don't get to point up how f&*ked up our decision here is because this whole thing, this place, that clone or whatever of yours that did that to my friend, that's your f&*k up and I don't see you trying to clean up any of it!"

"So you want to cause a s@#t storm, be my guest! But guess what, it's splattering all over the place and all over us. So if we want to let's say walk in to said s#$t storm you don't get a vote. And guess what! We haven't even known you for more than a day, so please stop acting like you give a d@#n about what would happen to us!"

Grendolyn's wanted to reply but her lips seemed to freeze every time she was about to say anything, her head bobbing back and forth a few times as she thought of a response. Finally she gave up and walked back to her door.

Thirteen breathed out heavily after letting it all out, this definitely wasn't like her. As she turned around she was met with a stunned Zhao Wei who was staring at her before immediately breaking eye contact and pretending there was something flying around. "What? you think I'm wrong?"

"Mmm..." Zhao Wei shook his head, "Nope! I think you got everything right and I couldn't agree more, maybe the words were a little more graphic and unnecessary."

"Talk to me about cleaning my language again and I will cut you, unlike the golems we're going to be beating up soon, you don't regenerate from cuts and bleed properly which I must say is actually much more enticing right now so I really suggest you shut up." Thirteen went back to her sharpening.

"There's our blooded assassin, I almost thought you grew a heart." He muttered under his breath before a blade flew at him, stabbing into where his head would be if he didn't pull it back fast enough. Turning towards her, he glared at the young girl who was now pretending to sharpen another knife even though the two were distinctly glittered.

She looked up, pretending she didn't do anything. "What?" She asked, earning herself upturned chin, wide unblinking eyes and flared nostrils. "You're not hurt are you?" Thirteen jabbed before turning back to her work.

"You little..." Zhao Wei wanted to retort but suddenly Jeff stirred from his sleep.

"Dear God, how did I get stuck in a baby sitting job in my old age." He whined as he brought his hand up to wipe his face. When it came up, Jeff looked at the stump where palms and fingers used to be as if he just realized what he did, "That's new."