
"By the way," Thirteen came over to Zhao Wei, "I know we ignored the advice earlier on, but what she said had some thought in it."

"Which one?" Zhao Wei replied still lost in his own mind.

"The one about us not having a stake here." Thirteen looked up in thought. "It's not like we get anything if we fight."

What she said was indeed correct, if they thought about it, it was difficult to see how they'd win this. Not in the sense that they'd lose in terms of combat, but even if they beat the other side, was there a point?

Jeff was injured and manipulated by them, and there was something about standing up and fighting for your friends. But to do what exactly? Make the other side regret their actions? give them a taste of the suffering he went through? Kill them?

They were golems, did any of that really mean anything to them? Even if it did, was it the same?

Just as he was about to say something, the wall beside him burst apart. One of the clones hands emerged through it and her hands wrapped around Zhao Wei's neck and torso.

Like all Grens her strength was crazy, Thirteen was about to use her blade to free Zhao Wei before another hand emerged from the wall and caught it. Before they knew it several of the Gren's features began to appear on all the walls.

Faces, limbs and bodies were passing through the walls as if they were pools of water. At least 5 arms were now holding him down, by luck the wall itself crumbled behind him, giving just enough wiggle room to pull himself out before he too broke into pieces.

As he looked behind him, his face instantly went pale. In that hole he could see so many body parts wriggling like a giant mass moving towards them. He couldn't even count how many of these things were coming, if they stayed, they'd be buried under without even putting up a fight.

Instantly he made the best decision for this moment. Run.

As he passed by he latched onto Thirteen's hand pulling her with him just before another arm appeared to grab at her. Both sprinted down the hall towards the room where the others were, while behind them, the golems began to flood the passage.

They reached the room quickly, but as they wanted to enter, both their senses to danger alerted them causing them to dodge in opposite directions. At first, nothing happened. But slowly cracks began to form at the door starting from the center and spreading at an accelerated pace before crumbling with Myra blasting out with it.

Zhao Wei entered the gap to figure out what was going on, only to see Gren207 lifting Grendolyn over her shoulder while she held panda in the palm of her hands who was struggling violently against the monstrous strength.

Jeff was launching heavy attacks with his tail from every attack conceivable, but with how weak he was the force of it barely broke her skin and flesh into rubble, and it would almost immediately closed back up again.

Zhao Wei moved in and swung his staff down on her outstretched arm. The wooden body sunk itself into her rock like constitution but only managed to dent it half way through the arm before stopping. Feeling the opposition, Gren207 simply reacted by lobbing Panda towards him.

Behind them, Thirteen checked up on Myra who was bruised quite badly and having trouble getting herself back up. This was a whole lot different than Thirteen expected. Before Myra had shown herself capable of taking on several of them all on her own, but this time her attacks were barely doing a third of what they were capable of previously

He braced himself to catch her, but he was definitely not prepared for the impact. As he caught panda he felt all the air empty from his body as if everything were forcefully squeezed out. It wasn't very fast, but Zhao Wei found himself having already slid several meters back.

She began to advance on him, ignoring Jeff's efforts to attack her. She simply stepped forward and threw a punch out with her arm but Zhao Wei senses were ringing like crazy as it came towards him. It missed him by some distance, but a moment later Zhao Wei could feel the wind generated by it blow against his skin.

Usually, after an attack like that Zhao Wei would instantly come in and counter, but for some reason this time he backed off instead of trying to engage.

He looked behind him and saw the corridor which was filled with rampaging Gren's who were advancing on them quite quickly. Before, they'd already put some distance between them as they rushed to the room, but now, that distance was almost completely covered.

He looked to Thirteen whose face grew more panicked with every second. If they didn't have a reason to fight then, they sure had a reason to fight now. Their survival.