Amnesiac demon

Unbeknownst to the rest, Grendolyn had awoken from her knock out. Pretty hard to stay asleep after being thrown around so much. Like Gren9 who created a superficial connection to the Grens, she as their original felt the same sensations and only she understood what he was doing, he was treating them as if they were alive.

What this meant was that instead of treating them like moving rocks, he was treating their bodies like a person's and it was the first time she'd seen anyone actually do so. A thing about the golem physiology was that their flesh only began the healing process so long as something was broken, so for all intents and purposes, while they were not damaged, the golem's body were very much like other living beings.

His attempts were actually to just immobilize them instead of hurting them. And he was doing so quite well, each of his punches were controlled to the limit of the golem's durability, striking right on the chin, between the eyes as well as the temples on either side of the head several times in a breath.

Each of those punches were so weak, not even noticeable to the golems themselves. But each of them shook the head with little vibrations that traveled inwards. These tiny little effects met each other in the center of the golems head, bouncing against each other and overall creating mayhem in their brain. It's why it took a little longer for their bodies to fall.

And like any living thing, once the brain gets scrambled, the rest of the body goes haywire and once they were knocked down like that it would take a few minutes for them to come back up. It may seem like the Grens had become stronger than last time through Gren9's influence, but this act actually gave Zhao Wei an easier time.

If they were their old selves, the amount of energy he'd have to put in each punch would have to be reduced according to their limits, that would mean that for this very technique to take effect he'd have to strike them a few more times since the vibrations wouldn't be as strong. By strengthening the durability of their bodies, Gren9 gave Zhao Wei the perfect opportunity to use it.

Not only was he bringing them down, they also seemed to fall perfectly in pile on either side of the path where their bodies got stuck to each other as well as the floors and walls.

The first time Zhao Wei had launched one of the Grens towards Gren207, he was actually just testing a theory of his. He wanted to check if the Gren's could pass through each other the same way they could pass through walls, the fact that they collided with each other proved this wrong and gave him some ideas.

After every time he beat them, he would attach a cement trap to their fronts and backs, as they fell their bodies would bond with each other and act as a layer so that they didn't need to deal with Grens ambushing them from the walls.

Once there were enough bodies, he retreated and piled them up so that the originally wide corridor which could fit at least 5 people at a time was narrowed down and the Grens could only walk in one at a time.

Once he entered he was able to deal with the two Gren golems including Gren207 who was still inside before finishing off the first golem who entered, layering not only the passage but the walls, floors and ceilings as well just to make sure.

This was a good plan to everyone but Grendolyn, somehow seeing herself being turned into construction material made her way more frightened than she had ever been in her life. In her eyes, Zhao Wei had evolved from a pretty nice guy, to a demon who forgot that he was actually a demon.

In a day he'd shown his skills in several different ways that each astonished her to no end, and yet just as she thought that that was it, he shows her something that blows any previous standard she had of him away.


In a section not far away from the battle Gren9 was leisurely monitoring the battle as it unfolded, quite amused by the attempts of the intruders. To her, it was like watching an already trapped rat put up a struggle not knowing it was already dead.

Behind her Gren8 walked in, "I know I'm under your orders and all, but are you sure you want to do this? Sure she has a greater capacity from mass alone, but if her mind breaks there's no stopping her at all."

"Why do you always have to whine? I'm giving you guys the power you deserve, why don't you just take it for yourself instead of complaining at every turn?" Gren9 looked at her one model Original in disdain, considering how they were so different despite being created mere hours from each other.

"I was created with a knack for caution, it's part of the programming." Gren8 ignored her stare and spoke indifferently. "With all those souls you absorbed it's funny how you never found one with this characteristic, it would really do that mind of yours some good."

Gren9 heard those words and closed in on her predecessor, pointing a sharp nail at her chin, despite the lack of any movement, Gren8s skin began to crack under it. "And it will do you good to remember that I can have that knack if I so much as wanted it."