
The hammer stopped right before it crushed Zhao Wei into a human pancake. Under it, Zhao Wei closed his eyes tightly to receive an impact that ultimately never came, there was a moment where he really wasn't sure which came faster, did he activate his trap in time or was he already part of the dessert. Only after blinking a couple times was he sure that he was faster by just a bit which ultimately saved his life.

Just as he wanted to exhale in relief he heard the hammer statue which through all this time was still hanging right above his body crack and realized that was his cue to start crawling out from underneath it.

Stepping out, he watched the others monitor the suddenly immobile Gary. For some reason the golem's whole body was pulsating. Her skin was splitting apart, But under her the usually cold silver was glowing a deep orange tinge in it's deeper regions.

It wasn't the blast Zhao Wei was expecting but it was definitely doing it's job. Zhao Wei had modeled his new trap after the things that burned Jeff's arm, well... he decided for more of an explosion trap which now proved to be a little less effective than he expected.

He'd been watching Gary, and even for her that much power was too much for her body to handle, each time she moved, something would crack along her body. And when that happened, Thirteen was waiting with a piece of shrapnel layered with that very trap, mixing it directly into her body as it healed over itself. Once it started she would be burning from the inside out.

But now, she was just glowing from the inside, or so they thought.


"Pah!" Grendolyn spat out some blood as she tried to push herself up into a seating position. As part dwarf, her body was accustomed to impact and heat that would usually burn right through the skin and straight to the bones of any other species. "Can you stop prolonging this crap, if you're going to kill me please make it quick."

"I'm trying, I mean we have what? several thousand walls and floors here and I've thrown you against at least half of them even several at the same time." Gren9 complained. "I mean seriously, I'm doubting who's the one made of nearly indestructible material hear."

Gren9 enlarged her hand until it bloated like a giant balloon made of several different hands and one feet and swung it like a mace directly into Grendolyn's body who flew back like a ball, ricocheting off several surfaces before coming to a stop after smashing into the floor and giving the interior decor a new jacuzzi to make the place more homey.

"You know.. once I'm done with you." Gren9 gasped, she'd spent and hour beating Grendolyn with everything she had which bruised her and made her ache significantly, but didn't seem to have much of an effect beyond that. "I'm going to miss those sessions we had testing you in your room, I mean I have to admit, seeing you go through those tests was a whole lot more fun than this!"

"Yeah, I think that actually hurt more," Grendolen picked herself up, stumbling around as if she had one shot of absinthe too many.

Gren9 stood on the spot for a second which confused Grendolyn as she was already waiting for the next attack to come. "That's right!," Gren9 shouted, she had an epiphany, "God I'm such an idiot."

"We established that like 9 insults ago, seriously it's like you don't listen to me." Grendolyn joked before she felt herself get wrapped up like a burrito inside both of Gren9s hands. "Yeah, no, I'm not forgiving you just because you hold me tight." she spoke despite feeling really creeped out by the smile she was giving herself. 'Note to self. My eyes are beautiful when there's just two, five is definitely going into the boundaries between creepy and should've never been created.' She thought to herself before a surge of pain ran through her body as mana started to flood into the hands and smashing into her.

"AHHHH!" her whole body spasmed from the pain. One thing that missed Gren9's eyes though, even while she was screaming her lungs out and several blood vessels in her eyes were nearly going to pop, there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

On her side, Gren9 was working on her own plans as the whole building came back to life.