still alive

Shrapnel of wood and metal flew through the air as a mass of fur and claws rushed through it. 'It shouldn't be possible', everyone thought as they watched the pieces land at their feet.

Those spears were new, the metal they were made from were supposedly miracle-like in constitution, able to withstand even the hardest of impacts without so much as a dent. And yet, against the furry beast in front of them, those things might as well have been air as they didn't even resist the incoming swipe of it's claws. Either the weapons weren't real or this thing had grown even beyond the norms of materials after the great change.

Standing upright with 4 of those arms swinging around, each somehow blessed by whichever God created them with golden scales that protected those paws like gauntlets. Some of the scales protruded from it's body, not just to poke out menacingly, but to make the act of taking it's pummeling even more painful than it already is.

it was near impossible for anyone to get near it without coming into contact with it.

It's mountainous build didn't help either as after dodging the whirlpool of blows coming from it, any blow they could deliver would sink into it's furry body like stone in water. Without even a speck of it's blood dripping in the sunlight, it was questionable whether any of the weapons even so much as grazed it's skin or just got stuck in it's deceptively sturdy fur.

This didn't end there, there was no way it was going down after just one wound if one were to actually land on it. But anyone who was talented enough to reach it would be turned from a living breathing person to bloodstains on a rag before a second strike could be dealt or they could pull out of it's range.

It's only redeeming qualities were it's pot belly and round ears, which did little to hide it's savagery when it's fangs, claws and especially the lustrous and fluffy coat of chocolate colored fur on it's belly were drenched in the blood of all it had massacred. Yeah, somehow their groups first expedition after upgrading themselves had earned them an encounter with a hexapedal demon bear.

A young man could only look around himself in confusion. His comrades were strewn around the area, there was so much blood he didn't even know which one of them was still alive. They were a small group of elites to begin with, the fact that they lost anybody projecting a very bleak future for them in this harsh new world.

He turned around to the one person in this team who could use mana as an attack. "We can't take this guy anymore! How much longer do you need!?" He screamed.

"This isn't easy you know! I'm trying to channel mana into an element I'm not used to, just give me a few more minutes!!" She replied.

"In a few more minutes you don't need to cast the spell anymore. We'd all be dead." He scoffed.

"Just shut up and hold him down a little longer!" It wasn't difficult to see she was having a hard time, beads of sweat racing down her body as she tried to channel enough mana to make sure that this attack was effective, if not she'd need to start the whole process again for the next attack which they really didn't have time for.

"Ok fine!" With no more words needed, the whole team surged towards the bear, focusing on just keeping it centered. If their weapons couldn't hurt it anyway, why waste their lives while risking breaking them in the altercation.

As long as that bear moved forward, they'd just dodge and reform the formation, as a guy with four arms, this thing wasn't very good at multitasking, often getting confused about which one he would attack first.

After several minutes, their breaths were heavy, their palms chaffed against their weapons and their newly forged armors creaked as if they'd been rusted for years. But at the very least they didn't lose anyone anymore, not like when they were trying to fight it or escape.

"Ok I'm ready!!" The girl shouted.

"Took you long enough!" Many replied in unison as if they'd practiced those words a few times.

"Shut up!" She replied with a satisfied smile, "Formation switch! road!". The whole team followed her orders, switching from surrounding the beast to two straight lines on either side of it.

"Giant flare!" A swirling fireball appeared in her hand, floating higher and higher as it expanded. If this thing hit a human, every part that came into contact with it would've been instantly incinerated. Against this thing which was definitely an earth type beast there was no way it would survive.

The fireball flew without inhibition towards it's target. The beast in question of course was no fool, it tried to dodge once it felt this heat source grow and it's life in danger, but with the team split into two sides they managed to keep the target on the path and the ball smashed against it.

But it didn't stop there, the fireball continued to tear a path into the land even after it had reached the bear, burning a new gutter into the landscape, finally stopping after flying for several meters, forming a little bonfire in the ground. But their muscles weren't even able to slacken from relief when they saw a black mass still moving in the center, the shift of four massive claws confirmed that the thing was still alive.