Where guns come into play

"Hello Mr. Moto, I must say it's a pleasure to see you again." A stout man exclaimed. He sat in the center of the proceedings, surrounded by his horde of misguided men.

"Unfortunately, I don't share your sentiments." He replied. "And please call me by my full name, It's Moto-tsune if you can't remember that much."

At this point one of the younger men started speaking in german. (We shouldn't have to take this from him, if we deal with him they'll maybe send one of our own here.)

The stout man waved him away before turning back to Mototsune. "I do apologize for being presumptuos, I assumed with our considerable period of cooperation that I could consider you a friend of sorts and wanted to make you feel more welcome."

"Again unfortunately Bartram, I don't share your sentiments." He asserted. "Oh and by the way, to that young man over there." He pointed at the person who just spoke before. (I'm a level 43 in a world where the highest is still at 58, if you think that they'll send anybody here after someone at my level dies for whatever reason you're little head can think to conjure you're either delusional or very very stupid and that's if you're capable of killing me in the first place, neither of which I think is a good asset for Mr. Bartram to use to persuade me I should still supply anything to this place. In fact you're better to him dead.)

(Kiss my ass) the man replied.

(Tempting...) He retorted. (But unfortunately it's your boss's job to kiss mine) At this point he turned to Mr Bartram who looked very troubled, his eyes darting between the two.

(Sigh* Take him.) Bartram ordered. Instantly 4 of the men moved forward to apprehend him. But he wasn't going down without a fight.

(You yellow monkey!) In a fit of rage he shot at blinding speed towards Moto-Tsune who was surprised at the sudden burst. The man's base occupation was most definitely a fighter as his muscles bulged and a red aura spread out from his body signifying the use of "Brave Burst", a fighter specific skill which nulls all their attribute points in exchange for strength, durability and speed which made them almost matchless in close combat even against those twice their level difference. In such a small room, as long as he wasn't a strength or durability melee base class the advantage was definitely for the other side

But what surprised him was the glow on his weapon which was a weapon enhance skill of some kind, the lowest of which would only be accessible at the 20th level among the fighter advancement paths, and from the chi he felt coming from it, that wasn't it.

This meant that this underling was at least at the 26th level which meant the others from the group should also be around that level or not far from it, this information put a smile on his face thinking that these people and the weren't such a lost cause after all if they could grow so quickly. The man looked at the surprise on his face and took it as a sign of fear but before his attack could arrive Moto-Tsune disappeared from sight and appeared next to him with a small handgun to his head.

The man smiled, with his defense while his skill was activated, there was no way a bullet from a small caliber weapon could break past his bones, it still hurt like a b!@ch, but he wouldn't die. The rest thought the same thing as they watched with glee, even if they wouldn't let the guy kill him, he should suffer some pain to know his place in the grand circle of things. He was inferior to them.

But the gratification never came for them. All they saw was one of their past comrades with two holes blown into his head from two succesive shots. Even during normal times his vitality wouldn't be able to save him, now that he had brave burst on and his vitality at 0, there was definitely no saving him.

The room grew silent as everyone was frightened out of their wits. Guns weren't affected by attributes, if you had strength it did not change the force of a bullet traveling from a barrel, or else they'd have an easier time killing beasts. Even with explosives, all it did was severely wound them due to the non-amplification from their attributes.

If he heard what they were saying now, he'd say they were right. Their attributes didn't increase the damage for guns. At most strength would reduce the recoil. But the skills did, especially the passives he received with his class advancements.

Ranger passive:

[Master of many-

Short weapons, throwing weapons and shooting weapons have 20% chance of critical.]

Thief passive:

[Too close for comfort-

Attacks and skills done within a meter of enemy have increased chance of critical and critical damage the closer it is to the target; 1 meter: 5% crit chance/10% damage amplification, 0.75: 10%/20%, 0.5: 17%/30%, 0.25: 26%/50%]



Any attack outside of opponent's vision increase critical chance by 40% and crit damage by 60%]

For him, how much strength he put into his attack didn't matter, anything he did under the rules of his passive would have a ninety percent chance of hitting with 310% strength. With his 'small' gun, there was no extra recoil but the bullet might as well have been shot from a cannon. And he didn't even need to use any of his skills.

It would take a level 20 anything to deal or receive damage as strong and as fast as the bullet from a gun, and that's either one or the other. Against a gun with his amplifications, it would be hard for the highest level humans to take his shots head on. Of course, he needed to achieve the requirements first which weren't always easy to fulfill. But in a situation like this, he found it more than easy to dish out the damage