stand off

It was a little quaint, well that was considering that only a tenth of the whole place had been shifted here. right now, they had one really sturdy wall which they kept in the move, a natural mountain behind them and one side held up by what was essentially a glorified wooden fence.

It wasn't pretty, but as it turns out, with the mutation of plants, those wooden posts used to make the fence were much tougher, so much so that the thing has withstood countless barrages of attacks from the other side with merely burns and splinters.

But those very burns and splinters were what changed the expression of all their new companions. Because, before they left, those marks weren't there yet. That meant that somewhere between the few days they'd left for their trip, war had begun.

And something like that was never pretty. Because as they saw the marks appear on their city, Zhao Wei saw the marks appear on his people. Right on top of those walls, bodies were nailed high like a banner, their bodies maimed beyond recognition. The only thing that told him they came from his world was the clothes and pants that were left in strips hanging from their bodies.

He stood there for a moment, truly unsure about how he was supposed to feel. On one end, for all he knew they might've been horrible people. While the other side made a bid to coexist, they pursued hostile relations on the grounds of difference. But was that enough to look the other way? If he didn't look the other way what was he supposed to do?

Help the other side simply on the grounds that they came from the same world? Was it that simple? He didn't notice it himself, but he had been stopped in his tracks for quite some time now. The other's did. And they were clearer than him about what was going on in his mind.

Some of the one's who interacted less with Zhao Wei saw the conflict in his heart and their hands reached for their sword handles. They didn't know what kind of person he was but they saw how fast he dealt with Jacob, if the sight turned him hostile there was no way they were in for a potentially tougher fight than the beast.

In the first place, they themselves were surprised by the display of cruelty which decorated their city. They had gone to war many times sure, but as far as history went they've never seen anyone defile corpses like this. But right now their main priority was keeping each other safe.

The first person to react to this was Grendolyn who took one step and activated mana over the surroundings. A cluster of earth needles emerged from the ground, resting themselves right on the throats and necks of anyone who showed even a little hostility.

Faris, feeling the sudden mana fluctuations was about to prepare herself to counter, but the moment she was even about to raise her staff, Thirteen's killing intent locked on her. The moment she decided to activate anything, a knife would be put between her eyes.

Jacob, being oblivious to the situation, found himself in the middle of a hostile situation. But before he could reach for anything a heavy hand held onto his shoulder. Turning back, both him and all the men were surprised to see Ode stopping him.

"Ode..." Jacob wanted to ask what he was doing.

"Shut up and stop, they're just protecting one of their own, the rest of you idiots get your hands off your weapons!" Ode commanded.

"But what if he gets angry? Those from the other world have some pretty violent reactions..." One of them said back. "We should at least keep an eye on him."

"If you're afraid of someone getting angry then you should be afraid of me too, because right now I'm getting pretty anrgy." Grendolyn declared, her mana spiking to assert her dominance over the situation. "And right about now I'm feeling like having some very violent reactions."

Not only that, the two assassins were quiet. But anybody knew that when an assassin went quiet was when they were about to do their job. And while they didn't put a show of strength like Grendolyn, their quiet was much more disconcerting to the rest.

As Zhao Wei continued to stare Myra decided to lay next to him, her body was rested by his feet. But a swirling shadow covered the area on the ground around them. Panda had already entered her second form her back leg tuned like a spring ready to unravel and tear into flesh. They left the train further away for fear of alerting anyone but a ruble could be heard from the distance, the moment they made a move, she'd run them all down.

"If I were them and knew what ungrateful little s&*ts you guys were, I would've let you die with the bear!" Ode shouted, his face turning a shade of red as the blood rushed up to his head.

They looked embarrassed as the reality hit them, they'd been in the care of this team while they were injured, if they ever had any hostility then forget feeding them and helping them with their wounds, they could've killed them at any time.

At this point Zhao Wei finally snapped out of it, but he was shocked by a different thing now as he woke up to a stand off around him. Oblivious to the exchange that was happening the last few moments.