rain check

She looked around contemplating what exactly her options at this point were.

She had followed him back to make sure Zhao Wei was okay in the first place, in hind sight she thought it might've been better if she just knocked him out instead of letting him roam around which resulted in his kidnapping in the first place.

Maybe she should chase them? And do what exactly? Ask the gargantuan primate nicely so that he'll give her friend back? Or maybe tickle it with her daggers? Then maybe it'll be a lot more cooperative and actually decide to finish him off.

And that was only if she could actually catch up to them. With that thing's size and speed, it'd take her a day or two to cover the distance it could travel in an hour.

Her only option right now really, was to go back and get some back up, both physically and strategically, at the very least she needed Myra or Gwen to make sure that she didn't spend the next week or so just following their trail.

On her way back, maybe she could also figure out how exactly she was supposed to explain how this all happened under her watch.


Grendolyn was definitely not in the mood to hear any news right now, good or bad... especially bad. Her mind was still caught up in the executions she'd witnessed just moments ago. It was a good thing hat the first people she met from her own world were Thirteen and Jeff, in general everyone was broken and changed more than just physically after the cataclysm. Mentally there was a part of them that was lost, missing... broken, and really most could be assured that it wouldn't come back, the only question was, how far did it break?

As far as minds were concerned, Thirteen and Jeff had been hardened by the darkness in their old world. Even when they were shaken by the sudden need to survive in a new environment, it wasn't that much crueler than the one they had to live in.

The general populace however found solace in the depravity of their actions. There was nothing 'wrong' about it, they were simply following what the new world required for them to survive. It was as stupid as committing a sin believing that it would stave off the demons and devils, after all why would they attack a sinner who was one of their own. But the devil never had any intention of playing friends in the first place, all they did was make his job easier.

But the split between the two results made the people's atrocities even more unforgivable. The fact that there were people who were able to keep from losing themselves in this world meant that the rest simply didn't try enough to maintain their morality.

Grendolyn had half a mind to just swallow this eyesore with an earthquake or just drop a mountain on it..

"It's not that easy you know.."

"Hmm!?" She pretended to look fine as Jeff moved over to her, but it was clear to her that her thoughts might as well have been an open book right now.

"You can level this whole place to the ground, and maybe even that enemy camp with it. But chances are that most if not all of the places we're going to pass through are like this, are you going to destroy every single place we visit if that's the case." Jeff commented looking out the door. "Besides we're only here to get some information anyway, we'll be out before you know it."

Grendolyn wanted to retort, but she knew he was right in this case so all she could manage to respond with was a harrumph in dissatisfaction.

At this point a knock came from the door as Faris's voice called out. "Um... excuse me, Mrs. Grendolyn, Mr. Jeff dinner's ready."

Ode was nice enough to let them in his home for the time being seeing how the situation everywhere else was quite tense. As they walked in, they were met with the sight of all the members of the squad as well as whatever family they had huddled around a table filled with food.

Once the situation turned for the worst, they all decided to stay together, even in the city. At least in this way none of them would have to worry about leaving their family since one of the squad would make sure to stay behind.

Ode looked at the new arrivals solemnly, "I apologize for having that be your first experience here, please know that you can stay here as long as you want..." he said as he bowed his head toward's his guests.

"Please don't be that way," Grendolyn replied, stifled by his response. "It wasn't your fault in the first place and we wouldn't want to abuse your hospitality, at most we'll be staying till tomorrow morning..." bam! "What the...."

"Miss... I think you're going to have to take a rain check on leaving tomorrow." One of the members sitting near the window said, the rest scurried over to see what was going on, in their vision the whole outer ring of the kingdom had been set ablaze as more mortar shells continued to rain down.