wiped out

They could be considered both lucky and unlucky at the same time. For one, Grendolyn was cautious enough to cover the grenade in a barrier of earth despite not knowing what it was before it exploded making sure they didn't die. But because it was bouncing around and a very sudden occurence, not all of the impact and the noise was negated, especially since it was right next to them.

Ode was worst off since he was covering Travis, fluid trickling from his ears as he stumbled around just trying to get back on his feet. And though Travis got the better end of the deal he was still seeing double.

It'd be nice if they had time to recover but the men outside were already storming in. The two vanguards were not in the best condition. Grendolyn alone was powerful, but she'd still be hard pressed to protect them while defending against a flurry of bullets. All while trying to get them out of this situation.

But the first choice was pretty obvious for her. In an instant a wall of earth covered the doors and windows, isolating them inside. It was pretty easy to guess that the barrage of shells outside was just a distraction for them to let their people in by this point.

But closing herself like this limited them just as much as it limited her. They weren't able to hurt them, but she also couldn't target them since she couldn't see them. There was a choice of using large scale attacks but those would potentially hurt their own men and would definitely destroy whatever buildings were in the area of the attack.

But it was definitely worse for their side since the the commander of that side was here. Without a clear command from their leader, the army of Tithor would find difficulty coping with such a situation with all the chaos going on outside. If they didn't get out of this, there might be nothing to save even if they did get out.

"You guys okay!?" She asked the two.

"Yeah sure." The answer she heard was affirmative, but it wasn't reassuring looking at the two who were having trouble standing and had their arms stretched out forward to catch them in case they fell.

"Whats the situation?" Travis asked as he woozily walked forward.

"Well they can't get us in here while I have the barriers up." She answered honestly. "But I'm pretty sure they're waiting to open fire at us any time they see an opening."

"Bah! we're in this situation because you're an idiot." Ode spat.

"What did you say!?" Travis's arms reached for his sword, clasping the hilt and ready to pull it out at a moment's notice.

"What!? offended?" He taunted. "I wasn't the one dumb enough to pool most of the men to damage control."

"Those shells weren't able to hurt us much on their own, but the fire spreads too fast if there weren't enough people the whole place would be wiped out from the flames and smokes alone." Travis replied.

"Well congratulations the place is about to be wiped out by something else." The final provocation caused something to snap as Travis rushed Ode who was already in stance to take it. The ensuing collision sounded like crashing thunder the armors from both sides clashed against each other.

The ram knocked Ode back 2 steps but stopped before the next one. Looking up, Travis was even more pissed off by the smirk on Ode's face. But in the next moment both of them turned pale, facing the opposite direction, they both tried their best to cope with nausea.

Grendolyn was having a headache, like this it would seem that she would have to wipe out their surroundings after all. It'd be fine if they were just hurt, but it seems that both their inner ears were effected by the blast just now, even if they were to recover their strength and focus their balance would make them sitting ducks to the enemy.

"We can't fight." she announced to them both.

"Why not!?" For some reason, they both could agree on disagreeing with her. She knew as former leaders they had ways to argue their case so she decided to stay silent, and push them. Without much resistance both of them fell and became like turtles who had been pushed onto their shells.

The looks in their eyes were still indignant but from where they were looking, they didn't have much backing for any argument they were going to make so they settled with glaring at the young lady who put them in this position.

"The last time that door was open I saw about 8 men outside, that's not including those that are probably surrounding the building, the moment we open a gap in these walls you wouldn't last a second before they take you both down." She explained. "Even if they don't, the most you can do with your conditions is take down 2-4 of them altogether, so no we don't fight."

They both looked down, even without her telling them, they were clear on the situation, sometimes braveness didn't help but shorten what little life they had. But then Travis had a flash of brilliance, "You only mentioned the walls..."

Grendolyn quirked her head in curiosity.