put down

The two made quick work of the people closest to them while Grendolyn summoned earth spike after earth spike to impale the enemies from their rear end all the way to the top of their cranium. The human shish kebabs were lucky as they died almost instantly, having only to feel the spike penetrate them rudely before it lobotomized their brain from the bottom up.

But their speed still wasn't enough. By the time, Travis and Ode were able to kill four people in total, their presence had already become known to almost all the assailants. After being played around with by the decoys, they were understandably extremely prejudiced against the real things.

Even without the commands of their deceased leader, they reacted in a quick and organized manner, having both men in their line of fire without so much as a pause before they began to fire again. Travis and Ode were lucky enough to find themselves behind rock walls that protruded from the ground courtesy of their half-dwarf friend.

This time however, instead of simply protecting them, Grendolyn made another move. Under her commands, the walls moved through the ground smashing towards the enemy. Picking up on this cue, the two warriors rushed to follow the flying walls which smashed into a good few of the opposition like bugs on a speeding car's windshield before breaking apart.

And like a jack in the box, Ode and his sword and shield pounced out from behind the wreckage and continued to dispatch man after man with great fervor. Too great maybe as the whites of his eyes turned a deep shade of red. With this sudden change, his muscles bulged as the veins popped out from under his skin. Each swing allowed him to bisect the men smoothly, and dulled the pain from his previous unhealed injuries, including those he sustained in the fight against the bear just a short while before.

But his mental faculties were dumbed down greatly which was the worst thing for his current state. In a battle where even stray bullets can take down a man, Ode had lost his thinking capabilities and was rushing several enemies with little to no plan.

Of course, it was just as hard for the enemies on the opposite side to regain their senses from having a literal human tower charge at them. Their hands shook incessantly, making it extremely difficult for them to aim or reload, giving enough time for him to clean out three or two more.

But his mind wasn't there just to help him make better and safer choices in the battlefield, it was also to help him concentrate and control his body properly. His inner ear was already damaged from the grenade blast before, any normal human would have trouble even sitting up properly, he on the other hand was killing people left and right, but as he became more and more wild, his hold over his balance reduced.

In front of him, a young man struggled profusely as he tried to reload a new clip into his gun. His sweaty hands made the ammo clip jump around as if it were on a slip and slide. But at this point, his cognitive control over his balance completely slipped as he gave in to his current crazed state. In just another inch, he could swing his sword and cut through the young mans neck, but in the next moment he had found himself kneeling on the ground.

The young man of course, took this opportunity to load it and bring his gun up to Ode's head, allowing him to stare directly into the barrel. Ode simply stared at it without any fear, as if daring the little piss-ant to try if he had the guts to pull the trigger, making the boy tremble from the pressure.

At the final moment, Ode calmed a little as he accepted the way he was going to go. It was quite ironic how he had spent his life facing impossible odds and superior adversaries and yet at this very moment he was going to be put down by a boy who was still wet behind the ears.

Anxiously, his fingers curled around the trigger, somehow the gun that he had shot so man times had become heavy and the act of pulling the trigger took everything he got. The trigger shifted back bit by bit, at this point the kid was most afraid of having the trigger slip away from his sweaty fingers, his breath close to hyperventilating. He grit his teeth and screamed into his mouth as the trigger finally gave way... bang!