Come at me

Come on.

Zhao Wei turned, his left hand had caught the arm of a lunging ape and he was spinning around. Using the caught arm as a leverage, he swung the ape's body in a shoulder throw. Judging by the crisp crack of something coming from deep inside the beast's body, it was no longer able to continue battle.

Come on.

He wasn't even able to disengage himself from the fallen ape, another had sprung forth to deliver a soccer kick to his body. Since he was still holding onto the fallen ape's arm, he simply pulled it up to use as a shield against the quickly pursuing kick. The resulting force broke the poor ape's arm and dislocated it from his shoulder causing the fallen ape to groan even while it was already unconscious.

Come. Come on.

The attacking ape was surprised for a moment after having his sure-fire attack blocked by a defeated beast's limb. Surprised for too long perhaps as it gave Zhao Wei the window to grab onto it's leg and swing it's whole body at another incoming adversary. Just then, a smaller primate had flown by and latched onto his neck in mid air, coming around and found a hold on his hair as it tried to claw and bite through whatever he could.

Come. Come. Come.

His one hand was stuck behind his head, trying to at least make it a little more difficult for the critter to do it's worst. His other hand was already preparing for a bruiser who was charging his way. But before it had even arrived, a small monkey found his outstretched arm as the perfect perch as it invited itself up and began to bite on just above the elbow.

Come on.

Change of plans, before the charging ape even arrived, he did a spin on the spot. When it did arrive at it's target it found it's prey showing it's back to it. Usually that'd be the ideal situation to take someone out. Unfortunately for it, it had run into a spinning back elbow, complete with extra mini monkey to the face. Raising both his arms behind his head, Zhao Wei clapped as hard as he could, smashing both his palms onto the ears of the annoying stowaway latched onto his back.

Come. Come on! Come!

It wasn't knocked out yet, just disoriented and really hurt. Another one should have finished it off. But through this he had left his abdomen open, allowing another charger to crash into him and knock him to the floor. The floor was never good, he would almost always be taken out once one of these furries mounted him. There was a silver lining however, as his back seat passenger had found itself between the back-end of a skull and the floor when Zhao Wei fell leaving it in a much worse condition compared to Zhao Wei, at least for now.

Come! Come! Come!

The ape mounting him raised both it's fit high into the air and with it's whole upper body brought it down. Mid way however, it had to stop as it found a finger poking into where it's eye socket was. Zhao Wei had placed his finger in it's path of descent, and now stared at the confused ape who could only stare back with it's perfectly fine eye 5 seconds away from the pain registering.

Come On!

It reeled back from the pain as it used both it's arms to cover it's injured eye socket, but it didn't even nurse itself long enough for Zhao Wei to push it off before it came back with a vengeance and started wailing on him. It's violence however, shook it up and down enough to let Zhao Wei slip his right hand between it's thigh and his torso to throw it off. Of course this also meant that he was using his left arm to take the brunt of the beatings. Twisting around, Zhao Wei was able to catch it's leg instead and worked quickly to snap it inwards. By now he had just enough seconds to look at his arm and know it was out of this fight. The whole mid section was red and swelling, definitely something broken in there. The rest of his body wasn't any better as it was shaking like a leaf among the numerous gashes and wounds he had sustained until this point.

Come at me all of you! Every last one of you!

It didn't need to be said, the air he gave off had called up every ape in the outer ring. Even those in the middle couldn't help but stop in their tracks for a second, their blood boiling to take a piece of this upstart human. An ocean of claws and fur came surging at him, impossible to stand against. At the sight of this he could only smile and brace himself to enter the storm.