
Why was there such an effeminate face, was it a girl? No there was no way a girl would enter the army much less such a tough squadron. But Travis couldn't help but look at the body of this bothersome person and notice that like the face, the rest of the body was also feminine, with slender arms and legs, The armor was a little bulky in some parts, but Travis couldn't help but feel they were covering some curves.

Out of curiosity, his hand shot towards this new person's crotch to check. This act was of course, met with extreme prejudice as he received a not to gentle uppercut that sent him tumbling backwards. The person who such indecent acts had almost been perpetrated against, looked at Travis who was holding his bloody nose on the ground with a frightening smile. "That's quite the character you have sir, you ignore a person for a few days on end and suddenly you try and grope them!?"

All the men around them turned to the scene to see what the commotion was all about. "T..that's...not... You looked like..." Travis found himself in a tough spot trying to explain himself out of the situation, he had reacted without thinking just moments before and now everyone was looking at him, deciding what they were supposed to think about him, probably already jumping towards his preference.

"Hmph!" The person decided to step over Travis and walked towards the mound of books and pick out one of his own before walking away without looking back.

Travis looked at the departing figure, then to the people surrounding him who now had clear judgement in their eyes and decided to scramble up, pick up a book and give chase. "Hey wait!" That person was walking briskly away, but under pursuit from Travis who was chasing him on all fours he could only stop.

"What do you want?" He scrutinized the rude man, cautiously coverin up his crotch in case the guy tried anything.

"U... um." Travis had caught up with him, but he didn't exactly plan this far. Somewhere along the line, he expected to have to coerce the person more to let him talk, that would've given him at least a moment to think about what he was going to say. "Sorry about just now... uh.. hi my name's Travis." In the end he decided this was the best course of action.

For a few seconds they were both plunged into silence as Travis held his hand up in greeting while with standing the man's suspicious looks. Finally the guy extended his and and shook Travis's hand "Sar... Sauron..."

Somehow Travis couldn't help but stare again at Sauron's friendly greeting, how could a guy look so beautiful. The mild strength of the grip gave him a feeling he never thought could be transmitted from another man. Heck he hadn't even received these kinds of feelings from any of the noble women.

"H.. hey.." His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Sauron whose face was looking weirdly feverish right now. "Can you not hold my hand so long? Or at least stand up from the floor, people will get the wrong idea..." Only now did he realize that he was still on his knees and holding Sauron's hand way more tightly than another man should. And all those people who were judging him before had now already caught up were looking at them as they passed by.

Dumbfounded by the situation around them, Travis continued to let go of her... er... his hand which earned him an embarrassed kick to the chest while Sauron escaped. As he looked at the retreating figure, all he could think was, that run was also very effeminate.


After two days, in a small hut, Sauron had completely finished memorizing the book they were handed on the day of initiation. It was a form of body strength circulation. But unlike others where the effects of strengthening were clear and instant, he felt little to no change. At this point there was a little worry in his heart that he had practiced the method wrongly.

Really all he could do now was go to the field and hope for some pointers if any of the supervisors of their squadron would be gracious enough to come and show their faces this time. As he opened the door however, he was met with the one person he was dreading to meet today, right in front of his doorstep. "Hello Travis, why are you so early, and also... how did you find out where I live."

"Oh it wasn't that hard... I just followed your general direction home and asked all your neighbors these past few days." He said, almost bragging about his accomplishments. "When they didn't want to tell me I showed them my family's insignia and told them I could put them in jail for obstruction, after that it was pretty easy... Slam!" He found the door suddenly closed on him.

He suddenly snapped back to reality with the sight of Ode's rear end coming at him at high speed on top of the stage.