Ape Interaction

[Hey... Hey Greg, why are we doing this again... Shouldn't we be fighting to get closer to the center.]

[Shut up Mark, go back if you want, but somebody's gotta clean up these bodies and throw them up back to the vines. And frankly it's a nice change of scenery from the daily battles, so if you wanna go back you can go back but I'm staying here.]

[Yeah I get that... but aren't the rules like, if you beat somebody you gotta send them back up? Why do we gotta get stuck cleaning after that guys mess I mean, look at him his whole body looks as plain as a baboon's back side, what kind of ape doesn't kill themselves after being born looking like that.]

[What kinda ape doesn't kill themselves after being born looking like you?]

[Yeah that's what I... hey!]

[Apes are apes, and that guy was seriously strong, cleaning out the outer circle by himself. The guys in the midsection said they want to have a chance at going at him as quickly as possible, so some of us are just helping out else these apes here are gonna die of blood loss.]

[Did he have to make it like this though. Like this, who the heck has to rip a guy's arm from his body.]

[A ridiculously strong guy who wants to show off his strength?]

[A slob that's who... I mean he could've just broken the guys arm, same effect ain't it? Tearing it off is just sloppy and frankly unhygienic.]

[Didn't you just bite off tom's foot the other day?]

[That's different, Tom was a d*&k! I had every right to bite his foot off, it was cathartic for me.]

[How do you know this guy wasn't a d*&k?]

[Why don't we ask him then? Hey...hey buddy wake up... were you a d*&k before you got your arm ripped off?]


[Yeah he was probably a d*&k, so frickin rude.]

[Yeah I don't think it's his arm, his fur's caramel brown, the one on the arm is burnt almond.]

[Well... at least we know this guy deserved to have his arm ripped off. But see, I don't see another body with a ripped arm around here, that prick's so messy he had to throw this arm away from the body.]

[What are you, like CSI now.]

[No I'm just smarter than you! Always putting all my achievements down.]

[Hey calm down Mark, look he might've just done it in the heat of battle, we've all done it.]

[What you've done it?]

[Sure, quite a few times actually.]

[I call bulls#$t! There's no way you could rip a guy's arm off.]

[Why not?]

[Cause you're a p$%sy Greg that's why?]

[Why you gotta be mean man.]

[Cause you're a p$%sy Greg, and there's no way you could rip a guys arm off.]

[You sure?]

[Yeah I'm sure.]

[You really wanna go there?]

[I think I'm already there, p$%sy!]

[Fine! there!]

[Ah! what the f*#k Greg!]

[You kept saying I couldn't rip a guys arm off and calling me a p$%sy so I showed you I could do it.]

[What the hell man! I was just teasing you, that's what friends do!]

[Oh sorry... I guess I didn't get that...]

[Yeah! No s#$t Sherlock! Argh! And why'd you have to rip both off!?]

[It was in the heat of the moment.]

[Seriously Greg, f@#k you!]

[Hey guys how's it goi... oh hey Greg ripping a guy's arm off again?, I'd say nice one but you know you're just adding to the workload right?]

[Shut up Dick, I know you're too lazy to go back fighting right now.]

[That's not... well it's quite true, sometimes it gets boring y'know Greg, we fight day in and day out, even if we get stronger and meet the tougher guys closer to the center we're still just fighting everyday, isn't there more to life than just fighting? can't we live another way?]

[S$%t man, that's deep.]


[Uh-hm!... Greg?]

[What's up Mark?]

[I hate to be the one to break up this... enlightening philosophical debate, but can you guys send me up, I'm sorta missing my arms right now and losing a lot of blood right now.]

[Oh! Right hey there Mark!]

[Stay away from me Dick.]

[Geez man why you gotta be so mean to me?]

[Well... you are usually sort of a... well d#$k. *Lift* *Grunt* *Throw*]

[Oh! and Dick, everyone's screwing your wife!]

[Come on Mark... I know it's true but that's just hurtful.]

[S'okay man, we know where he's healing, you can kick him in the nuts when he gets out, we still got a lot to clean here anyway.]

[Yeah Greg... I guess I'll do just that.]


Zhao Wei watched as these three apes interact from where he was laid out on the ground. It was so natural and real that all he could think was that either he had been spending too much time with primates that he had began to understand their language, or he was having some minor brain injuries from the guy who was sitting on top of him trying to cave his head in...