
Why do wars begin?

Is it truly because there is a need? Not enough land? Not enough resources? Some would say it comes down to greed.

Or maybe it was just a disagreement between people, one that drew in far too many into the conflict that simply grew until it became uncontrollable. Ending with most not even knowing the reason they decided to pick up a weapon in the first place.

Or maybe that's just the nature of humans.

Somehow, they crave conflict, as if life didn't hold enough problems for them. All the rest were just excuses, used by them to justify the killing of any race including their own.

For once, Grendolyn found herself truly disgusted with the term "human". As she watched her surrounding turn into a world of fire and ash.

And for what? Neither side had anything to give and nothing to take. But they fought anyway. Swarms of them gathered together in the center of a field, like this she couldn't even differentiate one side from the other after all their bodies were washed with the blood of their own.

She'd defended and even strengthened the people from her own world, but every time one of theirs tore through another man from the other side with their, their faces contorted in murderous glee. But somewhere inside her she actually thought, maybe it would've been better if she left them as they were.

At the very least if both sides weren't so evenly matched, one side would probably be weaker than the other. A massacre would occur, but instead of wiping each other out completely one would survive.

Or if every man was truly so evil, maybe it was better that they all disappear. She doubted if the world needed the existence of a race so prone to violence. Her hands began to glow as her mana started to leak out.

Even as the whole area of the battlefield began to tremble, it seemed as if neither side noticed the calamity that was about to befall them.

It's be so simple, she would just have to think it and they would be swallowed up by the earth never to be seen again. Her arms trembled as she contemplated her choice.

Then she felt a scaly tail land on her shoulder. "Their blood is on their own hands, don't let it be on ours." Jeff said as he too watched solemnly, the flickering of the flames reflected in his eyes.

He too had no love for humans. For decades the only one who tried to pick fights with his kingdom were humans as well. But he understood the irrationality despite everything, if anything he pitied a kind where bloodshed was woven directly into their genes.


Earlier that day

The door to Ode's door swung open as he stepped out. The night had barely left, it's dew still fresh and moist upon the pavement, and the slight mist still lingered, weaving around the city's building.

"Up so early?" Before the door could swing itself shut, a hand began to push it as a tired Jacob emerged from the room.

"No..." Ode responded, his eyes looking around the corners of this small city.

"Hey gramps." Jacob called out, his hand scratching through his ruffled hair. "I've been meaning to ask."

"Hmm?" At this point, finally Ode gave him his attention.

"That guy, the captain.... Travis. He seemed like he knew you." He was worried. Not as if he trusted that guy for all he was. But somehow, the few words they'd managed to exchange seemed to tug at him. Ode was a good guy, but somehow he had begun to wonder if he should ask Faris to pull out of their squad.

"Well he did, a long time ago." As soon as he heard such a simple question Ode returned to his vigilance scanning the area, searching for something.

"Did something happen between you two?" Travis gathered the resolve to ask, but his voice wavered. "Do I have to be worried about Faris being here."

"Huh? what's that supposed to mean? Did he say something to you!?" Ode's face turned sharp as his, an aggression he had seen little of shone from the old man's eyes. Before Jacob could do anything, suddenly Ode reached out with a strong arm, dashing forward and pinned him to the wall.

The young man's mind raced, wondering what had set this usually amiable man to suddenly become aggressive, as he looked up, his eyes looked in wonder.