
"Ha ha that was close..." Tess laughed as she looked up at Tess, her face pining for some pity as she dangled above the windy heights.

She was hanging onto her life with one dagger which was the only thing keeping her on the mountain. Problem was that that very dagger had first pierced into Grendolyn's hand and then into the surface.

When the grenade fell in, it landed near Tess leg. "Oh shiiiIIII!!!"

"Jump!" Grendolyn screamed as she held her hands to the floor under neath them, making a hole for the grenade to fall through, exploding several meters under them.

Before she could even revel at her perfect reaction in such a situation, she looked up to see someone who didn't react so perfectly.

This idiot, instead of jumping towards her where the floor was still intact, simply jumped upwards. Like this she would probably fall through the floor that Grendolyn had just retracted

Thinking fast, Grendolyn reached out her hand to grab her. But somehow, this idiot suddenly decided to use her brain which thought about using her dagger, plunging it to the wall to make a handle for herself.

Somehow she didn't notice Grendolyn's hand reaching out and simply brought her dagger down. Grendolyn did notice, but her reaction was a tad too slow to pull her hand back, and here they were.

"Close my ass, that's perfectly right inside my g%dd@mn hand! How much closer do you want it!"

Tess smiled wryly at their predicament. "H... hey wait! wait! what are you doing!?"

Above her, Grendolyn was finding "Ah my nose is getting really itchy, and obviously something is in the way of me using it, I just thought I'd get it out of the way."

"Don't get it out of the way! I'll die! scratch it with your other hand!" Tess paled seeing Grendolyn try to pull it out from the base of the knife. In retaliation, she pulled herself up and grabbed onto Grendolyn's wrist.

"Ah you see, I'm to used to scratching it with my right hand, after so many years, suddenly doing it with my left would irk me." Grendolyn smiled as veins began to throb on her forehead, trying with difficulty to wrench Tess's grip away from her hand.

"It would irk you more if you killed me!" Tess screamed some more, it was lucky that her class being that of an archer, her grip was pretty strong.

"Nope, I said that if I got hurt up here, I would kill you first and leave. Not keeping my words would irk me more." She swung her arm around as if she was getting rid of a fly.

"You said if you got shot!"

"Now now, let's not mind those superfluous details. Shot or stabbed by my own teammate's dagger, do we really need to go through all those trivial things."

"My life is not a trivial thing!" At this point Tess released her hand and instinctively hit the hilt of the dagger, the result was that it was lodged deeper into the cliff face.

After realizing what she'd just done, Tess's eyes refused to look up focusing on the wall in front of her as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. She didn't need to confirm, but Grendolyn was giving her a look of death.

Their feud had to be pushed back however as rattling could be heard from above them. Some of the men had loosened their harness and began lowering themselves onto the roof of the platform Grendolyn had made.

"You see anything?" Their commander shouted.

"Not yet! but I think I heard some thing just now." the person right above them spoke, the thump of his footsteps rang through to them.

Grendolyn pulled Tess up with her one good hand, having them both peer on a very narrow ledge. They listened as the footsteps became louder and louder until it was right above them.

In an instant Grendolyn controlled the earth to open as Tess reached up and grabbed onto the guy's leg, pulling him down and let him fall all the way down.

"You wait here." After watching the man fall, Tess crouched and spoke to Grendolyn before climbing to the other platforms.

"Hey! Let me go first." After Tess pushed the dagger further in, Grendolyn no longer had the strength to pull it out.

The good thing was that she could hear the sounds of screaming men from above as it seemed that Tess had begun the offensive again. With almost some one third of them taken down so far, it seemed that Tess was able to maneuver easier under the lighter pressure.

From the sounds, Grendolyn counted that at least another 5 was taken out quite quickly, leaving them with less than 20 in their ranks.

But the victory was short lived as finally she heard something thump onto the roof right on top of her.

"D#mn! took too long to finally get her." At those words, Grendolyn was sure that Tess was down and the worst came to mind. Someone else came down as a heavy thump.

"Sh@t! ptui! lost so many men to two lasses, hey! where's your friend!" The voice shouted. The situation was dire, but hearing Tess groan in response at the very least, Grendolyn could confirm she wasn't dead yet.

"She died just now..."

"B@llshit, she's the one controlling the rocks and stuff." A thud echoed, followed by Tess's pained gasp. "Tell me where she is."

"I'm telling the truth, I can't use it as well as her but I can somewhat manipulate aghk!" Another smack had landed on her.

"You know what, lets do it this way." The man said, pulling Tess up by the hair and lifting her until she was only on her toes, reluctantly following him as he dragged her forward.

He reached his hand out beyond the edge, Tess was almost dangling over the edge overlooking the city. Her toes scrapped on the brink trying to make sure she wasn't only hanging by her hair. "If you don't come out at the count of three, I'm going to let go of this girl."

"She's not gonna come out, she's probably already on her way down by now. She cares about her own life." Tess struggled to explain whilst holding back the tears.

"Well we'll find out won't we." The man looked at her and spoke. "One...! Two...! Thre"