Hell Arena (VII): Basilisk

[Basilisks are one of the most ancients of serpents, ruthless, bloody, and gory to the core these giant snaked with the power of the petrifying gaze could be summed up with one word and four letters...Evil]

Excerpt From The Albion Bestiary: First Edition

Alex could not even begin to iterate about how much he now hated snakes, or anything that had to do with magic overall. Qi was like the physical aspect of the energy of the world, Mana was softer, they naturally suppressed each other, with tiny factors coming in like spells, cultivation styles and all that.

Alex was tired, his friends were Injured, and right now there was a bright red giant viper curled up in front of him with it's eyes closed, there was no going around it, this was checkmate for all of them, and all because a stupid spirit was too playful to pay attention, Alex laid all sorts of curses on the spirit, however...