Forbidden City (IV): More Schemes

[There are proverbs about a man's worst enemy is from his own household, if a common man can be betrayed by the very same brother he shares flesh and blood with, what more can you say of a King, what more can you say of an Emperor.

The house of a man with power and authority, is a den of snakes, jackals and hyenas. There's nothing majestic about them, as they try to hide their ugliness behind the splendor of noble beasts like the Lion, the unicorn and the dragon, but alas they're nothing like the beasts they claim to embody.

They lie, they cheat, they steal, they betray, every move made in such a home is an attempt to take, and take, and take, never is the idea to give. And if you give, you're also giving to take, power and the royalty that comes with it is and abyss. And as the old saying goes, if you stare into the abyss, deeply and long enough...…The abyss will stare right back at you.]