Birthday Banquet (III): Reunion

[It was Tsun Tzu who once said that to know your enemy you must know yourself, because you can't beat an enemy you don't know, an enemy you don't understand. know your enemy is to become your enemy, it's to live in their philosophy, their drives and their ambition, and some enemies are deep.

Very much like an abyss of difference and complexity that pulls you deeper with each and every second that passes. Yes you want to know your enemy, quite frankly it's the only way to understand why your enemy is the way they are, but do you ever stop to think, that to know your enemies, even if you Know yourself; you would become them! You would lose yourself on the road to victory, becoming the very monster, villain, or hero your trying to fight. War of any kind is not pretty, because no matter what you do, you're still going to lose yourself to it.]