The bookstore

Weeks have passed by since she went to the town market.

This time her Aunt Shima is not in town. Aunt Shima will be out on a trip meeting. She will be in the city, she will only be back in another 2 days times.

Li AnYuan will only be going to her new school after the summer if over. So she has a lot of free time to herself. Reading is her most desires activity. Is all about plant, trees, and nature. Bird, fish, and animal.

This time, the head house cleaner Mdm. Xian Sulian will be going to the market to buy some grocery for the household.

"Miss Li AnYuan, a very good morning. My lady... Will you be going to the town market with me today?" Mdm. Xian Sulian smiling at AnYuan. She knows the girl is bored to death since there is nothing for her to do in the house.

"Yes!!! That would be great!" AnYuan quickly jumps off her bed and get her bag pack done and run to tag along Mdm. Sulian.

A week in the manor and not doing anything can get her mind going crazy. All she did was reading books for the whole week. Since there is a morning market to go, she was delighted to tag along with her.


On the way to the market.

They pass by an old bookstore. Li AnYuan asks permission to spend some time alone in the bookstore. Mdm. Xian Sulian agrees. She let her go alone and ask AnYuan to wait in the bookstore for her while she goes for grocery shopping.

As she enters the bookstore, Li AnYuan was amazed; the bookstore was so huge. She can find anything she wants. She is a bookworm herself.

"Oh.. my is more like a stockpile of the book in here?" She was talking to herself now.

'Now where is the storekeeper?' AnYuan asks herself.

Looking at the books, that was unorganized. It's making the room a little cram. She can hardly move. Some of his books were on the floor. AnYuan finally making her way to the counter and rang the bell 3 times... - ting!...ting!...ting!

'I am sure someone hears that.' She was talking to herself.

Then the storekeeper, appear from nowhere. He gave her a smile.

"Yes my lady, quickly what do you want? I am busy... I will be going out soon, I need to close the store early today." the men pick a pile of book and stack it up together right in front of her.

"Oh... pardon me!! You scare me there" AnYuan jump back from the counter and look at the storekeeper and looking around to see if any other visitor is here.

'Ehh??...o dear he is scary.' She was talking to herself again.

"A a a i... i am looking for a book, is about the wildflower in the mountain." She bites her upper lips and waiting for an answer.

"Ahh.. haaa.. Please be more specific. Miss, we have hundreds of book on wildflower here." The storekeeper glances at her and tapping his finger on the counter. He stares at her and cast an eye over her from top to toe.

"Aaa... something with The Red Spider Lily or something?" She was looking at the man facial expression.

But the man just stood there for a second. His mouth, slightly open. He knows what she wants. Is The Book!

'Never in a century has anyone asked about The Book. No one knows of its existing. only.... only... the owner of the book knows it. Is she.... real? Is she...really real??' his heart stopped to beat. His word try to come out... but he cant. His scare of her.

Actually, he is the caretaker of the book. It was passed down from his great-grandfather to his grandfather to his father than now to him. The family is bound to an oath; it is to take care of the book no matter what happens. Until the owner of the book return back and ask for it. Then they are free from the oath.

The man blinks his eyes and twitches himself back from his thought. If she is truly who she says she is, what the story tells about her... then she knows which book to choose. He has a plan to test her. And suddenly...

"Is Elf..." he finally says something.

"What ..huu??" AnYuan stared at him confusing.

"Eh hemm.. Is my name Elfred. You can call me Elf... for short." He introduces himself.

"Ok, Mr. Elfred. It is nice to meet you. I am Le AnYuan." She pauses for a while.

"I am staying with my Aunt Shima in The Li's Manor." AnYuan introduces herself to him.

"Ohh... you're staying with the Green Lady. I see...." He pauses and turns around to get a guest book for her to sign. Gave her a pen for signature.

Li AnYuan signs the book and slightly snick peck at the man to see what he's doing.

"Huh eemmm..." the man sighed. His face has turned pale.

"Wait here, I think I know what you need" the man quickly left the main counter and when to the back of the store to get some more piles of a book.

He then came back and passed her the stack of book. Is an old book. No one has ever read it or even open it.

'Let's see what you got Miss Li...' the man was watching her as she tries to figure out the stack of the book he carriers for her.

"I think you can find it here. You can choose any book from here. However, you can only choose one. Call me when you are done." Mr. Elfred passes her the book, for her to choose, then he when to do his thing in the other corner.

Li AnYuan was so excited. She quickly searches for the book.

'Oh how nice, they so many books here. Witch one should I pick? Hennn....the blue book, the green book, yellow, orange, red.... Uhhh.. witch one ahaa???'

AnYuan was stuck and confuses. A lot of books, but witch one to choose?

"The Dark Red book..." a voice enter her mind.

"What..?" she was startled. "Did you say something Mr. Elf?" she was looking at him. But, he ignores her and just continues his work stacking the pile of book in the other corner of the counter.

'I'm sure I heard someone voice just now.....'

AnYuan looking at the book and she slowly turns around to see if someone was behind her.

"Pick the Dark Red Book Master..." the voice enter her mind again.

Suddenly AnYuan felt stiff. She looks around to see if someone was talking to her.

' is just my imagination. No one is here... I didn't listen to ant voice just now .. is just in my head.. .yeah that it. No one is talking to me.'

AnYuan tries to control herself. Not to be scare. Not to look crazy. Not to tremble.

"Master, please! Calm you self-down. Do not be scare. I am only here to help you." Now the voice really becoming clear to her attention.

AnYuan was stunned for a second. Her heart skipped a beat. She closes her eye to concentrate on the voice.

"Who are you?" AnYuan was talking in her mind. She is communicating with someone or something. What is it? ........


I am not sure what it is….?

Can anyone guess?