The End?

Walking into the cellar, Annie pulled out a torch. Just as she was about to light it, she heard a familiar screech. It was the sound of a demon. Panicked by this she screamed out "Demons! There are demons over here! Be careful!" Close behind her, there were three other witches from The Union. Annie started to give orders, "Form position, Lexie and Valerie, you two take the front, I and Kira will take the rear."

With those words spoken, the witches changed their formation, just as 5 mad demons started to charge them. Because Nathalie left them with no weapons, they were only good in close quarters. Luckily for the mad demons, because the cellar was rather small, it was the best field for unarmed mad demons. As the demons charged forward, Lexie and Valerie started to use their powers. Lexie started shooting fire bolts towards the demons, injuring one of them.

A lightning bolt shot out from Valerie's hands hitting another demon. Because of the incredible speed of the demons, they quickly arrived in front of the two witches. One of the demons pulled his hand back, ready to punch. As its first shot towards the witches, it was stopped by an invincible force. Looking relieved Valerie said, "Thank you chief for the shield, you came in close."

After a few minutes, the combined tactics of the witches bested the demons. As the demons lay dead on the ground, Annie walked forwards and spoke up worried, "Why are there demons this far into our territory? How did they even end up being prisoner here? Anyway, spread out and search carefully, who knows what else hides in here." With those words, the other witches said in unison, "Yes Ma'am."

As the witches spread out and started to look into the various rooms, Annie heard a scream from one of the witches. Looking at the direction of the scream, it was Valerie. Moving towards her, Annie asked, "What happened, why are you screaming?"

However, Valerie did not respond, she was shaking heavily as she lifted her hand up with difficulty, pointing into the room. Surprised by this, Annie looked to the direction Valerie was pointing. At that point, her heart skipped a beat. The scene in front of her was shocking.

There was a witch, bound to the wall without any limbs. Clearly she was alive still alive. Yet looking at her body, Annie was sure that this poor girl was tortured for quite some time now. There were tons of cut marks and whip marks on her body, that there was barley any spot left untouched.

Angered by this, Annie ordered that she would be unbound and tended to. With that anger she stormed out of the cellar moving outside. Her mind was filled with anger, "Who did this to that poor girl! Those witches! They have to be found and brought to justice!"

As Annie stepped outside of the tower, a group of witches was approaching her. It was the group that was sent out to chase the ones that started to flee. Looking at the witches, she saw that 3 of them were injured. The anger in her mind started to boil up as she rushed over to where the witches were coming from, "What happened?! How did this happen?"

Seeing Annie approach her, one of the witches stepped forward and responded, "I am sorry chief, they were able to escape. There was an acid trap on the way. Three of our sisters fell into it getting heavily injured."

With those words, Annie was enraged, "Send word to The Union! We have to search for these escapees! We cannot allow them to escape our grasp! Make sure that The Union sends out flying witches to scout out ahead!"

Hearing these words, two witches stepped forwards and responded to the orders, "Yes Ma'am! We will be on our way." With that, the two witches started to run towards the city.

Two long and difficult days passed on the road as the group of witches finally arrived at their destination. The place they arrived was filled with hills. Nathalie had read some scouting reports about this place. There were quite some caves and underground pathways in this area, making it an ideal location to hide in.

As the sun was starting to set, Nathalie looked around seeing the exhausted witches. Looking at them Nathalie walked forward and spoke up, "Sisters, we have finally arrived. We will set camp here for tonight. Tomorrow at early light, we will search for a hideout. There we will establish our new base of operation." As Nathalie spoke those words, she saw the mood of the group starting to increase. After a difficult two days, they could finally rest up and regain their strengths.

The witches divided various tasks. As they left in a hurry, they forgot to bring with them any proper camping equipment. Because of this, they had to make makeshift beds and tents. Luckily the nights were not that cold, as it was late spring.

Three witches left to gather some fire wood. Another four went out to hunt and gather some food. The rest was responsible of setting up the camp. As for Nathalie, she decided to do some research. As she was the leader of the group, no one disagreed with her actions. She was in the end the key person for them to gain more powers in the future.

After an hour, the witches who left to gather food came back to the camp site. However, the witches tasked with gathering firewood, still were not back. This is something unusual. Nathalie started to worry as she though, "The task of gathering firewood should be less difficult, so why did they not return yet. This is definitely not a good sign"

Worried about her sisters, Nathalie stood up and called over all the other witches, "Sisters, for some reason, Hanna, Alison and Jasmine are still not back. I fear that something happened to them. I think that we should form a searching group to find them."

All the surrounding witches agreed. Some even looked happy at the decision of Nathalie. They thought that they made the right choice of following Nathalie. A leader that would be worried about them is definitely worth their loyalty.

As the searching group was being formed, a hurried sound came from the wooded area of the camp. Looking at the direction where the sound came from, all the witches got themselves ready to react to what would happen. The one that came out of the woods was Hanna. However, taking a closer look at her, Nathalie noticed that something was wrong. Her cloths, they were dyed in red.

Seeing this, Nathalie rushed over to Hanna's side. As Nathalie was approaching Hanna called out, "Miss, you have to flee! They found us, Jasmine and Alison died! I… I barely made it out alive. Please hurry up and run!" After saying those words, Hanna collapsed on to the ground.

Confused about what Hanna just said, Nathalie picked Hanna up from the ground. Shocked she asked, "What happened? Who did this to you?"

Looking in the eyes of Nathalie, Hanna smiled and said, "Thank you Miss for giving me an opportunity and accepting me. I am sorry that I could not be more of use. But you have to go now! The Union found us, they are approaching the camp!" A moment later after Hanna said those words, she lost her consciousness.

Looking back at the other witches, Nathalie stood up and was about to address them. At that moment, several shouts came from the woods. The witches pursuing them were upon them, it was time to fight back. With that Nathalie shouted out, "Sisters! The treacherous Union has found us! We cannot allow them to best us! Let us show them our power!" With those words, Nathalie readied herself to welcome the incoming group.

As Nathalie was concentrating towards the woods, she heard a shout call out from behind her, looking back at it, she saw one of her sister fall to the ground losing her consciousness. At that point, Emily shouted out, "Look out, they are attacking from above!"

After Emily shouted those words, another 3 of her sisters lost their lives by the attacks from The Union. Looking around, the group was in chaos. Just as Nathalie was about to attack into the air, witches stepped out from the woods.

The situation looked grim, they were surrounded. Thinking about what she could do, Nathalie rushed over to the side of Emily and Liana. Before Nathalie could speak, Liana pushed the satchels filled with their research to her and said, "Misses, you both have to retreat from her. The remaining witches will try to hold them off and win you some time. Use the cover of the night to flee this location. You two are the core and the survival of our group! Make sure that you stay alive!" With those words, Liana pushed both Nathalie and Emily away from her before turning around rushing towards The Union witches.

Not having much choice both Nathalie and Emily rushed out from the campsite.

Running for close to 10 minutes, exhaustion started to get to them. They had not much chance to rest these past days, as they were on the run. Feeling the exhaustion get to them, they decided to take a breather for a minute before continuing on.

At this point Nathalie looked over at Emily. Her eyes filled with tears she said, "I am sorry that I dragged you into this. Please forgive me. Our sisters, they… they all sacrificed their lives for us! We cannot make their sacrifices go in vain!"

Emily nodded in agreement, with an angry voice, saying "I know! When we are able to recuperate, I will make sure that those dogs pay!" Looking a lot more rested, Emily said, "Now, we should conti…" Before Emily could finish her sentence, she fell down onto the ground. Looking down to her, Nathalie saw a pool of blood forming from below Emily.

Getting on her knees to grab her, Nathalie pulled Emily into her arms. She knew what happened, not being able to stop tears from pulling down she screamed, "Wake up! Emily Wake up! I am sorry, I am so sorry!"

Anger was filled in her mind and body as she gave a final kiss on the lips of Emily and stood up. Her initial intention was to charge towards The Union witches, yet she was stopped by the voice in her head, "No! You cannot let their sacrifices go in vain! You have to flee! If you survive, you will be able to take your vengeance. Go now! Flee!" With those words, Nathalie turned around and made her way deeper into the woods.

Not sure for how long Nathalie was running for. All her senses were taken over by her emotions. Arriving at a cliffside Nathalie looked down. There was a valley down below with a river stream in the middle. Not sure what to do, she looked back. As she was about to change her direction, over 20 witches stepped out and walked towards her.

One of the witches spoke up, "I am Annie, first lieutenant of Taquila's patrol group! By the order of The Union, surrender now, or face the same fate as the other traitors!"

Looking at her, Nathalie could not help but feel the anger boil in her body. "The Union ruined everything for her! It was The Union who took everything from her! They took sweet Emily from her! Now they have to pay!" With those thoughts, Nathalie started to gather up some powers as she stepped forward.

Just as Nathalie lifted her foot, she felt something warm on her belly. Looking down, she saw that her cloths started to be dyed red. Holding her belly, she noticed that there was a gap in there. She had been shot by The Union witches.

At that moment, instinctually, she pulled open the satchel and drank up one of the mixtures, hoping that it would somehow help her. Yet there was nothing. Nothing at all happened. Losing all her will to fight, Nathalie decided to jump off from the cliff.

With that, Nathalie disappeared from the view of The Union Witches.

It was noon next day. There was a one sided massacre as all the witches from Nathalie's group lay died on the ground. Inspecting them was Annie, looking at all the bodies, trying to recognize them. She did recognize two of them, as they were members of The Quest Society.

At that moment a witch walked over to her, "Ma'am, we were unable to find the body on the foot of the cliff. The flying witches are searching downstream, however if they continue downwards, they will soon arrive at the territory of the demons."

Angry about the results Annie said, "Let them search to the end of the day, if they cannot find her, let them return. We cannot enter the demons territory with this few people. Tonight we will return towards the city."

Hearing those words the witch replied with, "Yes Ma'am, I will let them know!"

Think about the situation, Annie wondered, "What happened to these witches that they decided to betray The Union and flee? Well, who knows, if we are able to find that other witch, maybe we will understand more about it all!"

At night, without any luck The Union witches took the reaming bodies with them and started to head back towards the city. The body of Nathalie was never recovered.