I love you!

It hadn't taken Anna long to find out what happened earlier. When Nightingale entered their home, accompanied by a crying Olivia... she knew something had gone wrong.

"What happened in that room once I left?" she asked the crying little girl.

"He wants me to have... sex with him again to train my powers!" she timidly said.

"He wants to do WHAT with you?" she worriedly said, her perfect image of Roland quickly falling apart. "Wait, did you just say... Again? As in... you just... had sex with Roland?" she was becoming dizzy from her emotions.

At that moment, Roland walked into the room. He hadn't even properly buttoned up his shirt yet.

"You... did what with her? YOU DID WHAT?!" shouted Anna, as she burst into tears and ran off. The others could almost hear her heart break. Everyone had known that Anna had some feelings for Roland.

This was a hard pill to swallow for Roland, as Anna was also the woman he had fallen in love with. Seeing her run away in pain, he quickly ran after her.

"Anna stop! I... I... I didn't want to do it! I just lost my first time to a girl I barely knew," he started saying, "I love you Anna, I wanted it to be you... It's her power! Her power allows her to arouse all humans around her!"

Hearing those last words, Anna stopped running. "What did you say?" she asked.

"She has the power to arouse everybody, I lost control of my mind. It was my fault to let her show the power, but you have to believe me... I didn't know what her power was when I asked her to show me." he hoped Anna would see reason.

"That's not what I meant, what did you say before that?"

"I just lost my first time?" he answered.

"After that! After that!" she impatiently said.

"I love you? I love you! I really do Anna, since the moment I saw you for the first ti-"

He couldn't finish his sentence, as Anna's lips stopped him from doing so. Their tongues interweaved as the both of them felt butterflies in their stomachs.

"You can't believe how long I've been wanting to hear you say that..." she said, "don't think I've forgiven you yet though! What do you have in mind for the girl?"

"I plan on... training her..." he said, "if she can control that power... Not a single person in this world would be able to resist her charm, not even my brothers or sisters..."

"You will not train her on your own! Since I'm your girlfriend now... you have to let me join you, or I'll train her myself!" she said with a blush on her face, after which she went back to kissing the first boyfriend she'd ever had...