Waking Up

Waking up I open my eyes with great difficulty only to notice bandages wrapped around my chest and head. Looking around It seems I'm in some kind of fantasy hospital room with beds lining the walls. I'm the only one here. What happened after I blacked out though... I defeated the King Kobold and the Demon but the non-existent rewards I got for it makes me depressed on a whole other level. Looking at the system notification from the Demon I sigh to myself at how unlucky I am.

[You have killed a Level 43 Lesser Demon and gained 9000 Experience.]

That Demon was way stronger than the damn Kobold King I should be getting more experience than that man. It didn't even level me up either since it takes twice as long to level up now. And I didn't get any kind of tickets or rewards for killing something 34 levels higher than me. Who designed this system?

I'm now a level 9 apprentice mage so maybe I should start learning other magic. Water magic isn't cutting it out for me. All I can do is throw water at people right now. I think the next magic I'll go for is Wind. I'm thinking that I can use this magic to cut some monsters from far away so I don't need to be in their range either.

As I sit up in the medical bed I notice that my body is completely fine and I felt as is I had the best sleep I've ever had.

'With time stop using some kind of power other than mana I thought that it may leave lasting effects or some short term effects that will eventually go away but maybe I was overthinking it?'

While sitting in bed I continuously create wind with mana until eventually, I get a notification from the system telling me of my achievements.

[After continuous use you have learned the skill "Wind Magic" (Lv.1)]

With the notification from the system saying that I learned the skill it becomes easier to create wind from mana so I practice until I can make slashes and have them fly forward. As I continue practicing with wind magic someone enters the room.

Looking up at the person I see that it is an unknown person but they have a washbin so I assume its a nurse. She stares at me sitting up like nothing had happened in shock as she drops the washbin and turns around to leave the room.

"Wait, where am I?" I ask quickly before she leaves the medical room.

Hearing my question the nurse turns around and answers, "You're in the Guild's Medical Hall. I'll be right back, I have to report that you're awake now."

After telling me that she turns back around and leaves the room.

'I'll just sit here and wait for her to come back.'

After a while, the door opens again and the nurse from earlier came in with Finn.

"You're awake." Finn says as he looks over me.

"Yeah, I am." I say confused at his actions.

"You were asleep for 3 days. We had a couple of healers try to heal you but you wouldn't wake up. We thought that the Demon damaged your soul so we called someone from the Church to come and help. No matter what we did you didn't wake up." Finn explains as he takes a seat nearby.

"Damn, no wonder I feel like I slept like a baby. It's been 3 days. What happened after I fainted." I ask shifting my position in the bed to get more comfortable.

"We ended up reaching the entrance of the Dungeon and got help from the Guard Captain. By the time we got down to the boss room, the Demon and the King Kobold were both dead and you were sleeping on the Dungeon Floor with an angry face. We brought you to the Guild's Medical Hall to get you healed as we reported to the Guild Master." Finn says while reaching out and handing me a paper.

"What's this?" I ask looking at the paper.

"It's the report for what happened. We have already turned in our versions of the reports to the Guild Master. You'll have to get your report in as well." Finn says while handing me a blank paper and pen.

With the blank paper getting filled out basically just writing what happened to me I get to the part where I'm debating how I should tell how the fight with the Demon went. I'm not gonna expose myself since these cheats could get me stuck in between some powerful political fights.

Finn seeing me stare at the paper not wanting to fill it in anymore says to me, "You don't have to expose your unique skill to anyone. You can just say that you killed the King Kobold and the Demon. Do you think that you can walk?" Finn asks me seeing that I'm sitting up in the bed.

"Yeah sure, where to?" I ask curiously about where he'll be leading me.

"The Guild Master's office. He wants to meet you anyways, follow me." Finn says as he gets up out of his chair and has me follow him out the door.

As we walk to the Guild Master's office Finn and I talk about how I should act in front of the Guild Master.

"No one expects curtsey from adventurers but try to not be rude and ask unnecessary questions. Just answer his questions and give him your report and that'll be it." Finn says as we reach teh Guild Master's office.

"The Guild Master is in here doing paperwork. A Demon showing up at the Capital of Light has brought up some people questioning the Church and the Adventurer Guild's authority. Just knock and wait for an answer I'll be waiting at the front counter." Finn says as he leaves me in front of the office door.

As I knock on the door someone on the other side yells, "Come in, the door is open." so I open the door and come face to face with the Master of the Adventurer's Guild located in the Capital of Light.