Second Floor

Of course, I knew that they were the stairs down to the Second Floor of the Dungeon but I didn't want to rudely walk past them without saying anything.

Upon hearing my question the entire group smiles awkwardly and one of them says, "Yes it is. We'll move out of your way. Sorry about that."

With that, they all get out of the way of the stairs so I go past them while still on edge just in case.

'This seems fishy. Why would they be sitting here for hours just to let me pass without saying anything else? Especially since they seem to be looking for someone.'

After passing through the entrance to the stairs I continue down towards teh second floor. As I reach the end of the stairs I hear them speak again.

"Alright, we're leaving. We know what he looks like so let's go back and report."

"Yes Sir!" The group says as they follow behind their leader leaving the Dungeon.

Since they had left the Dungeon without doing anything else I continued on through the stairs and enter the Second Floor of the Dungeon. Upon teaching the Second Floor of the Dungeon I can feel some presences so I follow one of them from a distance. While they don't seem to be people I want to see just what these things are.

After following the source of the presence I hold my breath after seeing what the source of the presence looks like. A decayed human body slowly walking around the area. It smells horrid and looking at the zombie makes me gag. Even though zombies are reanimate corpses this zombie's face is nonexistent since its face just didn't even exist. It was missing its face like it fell off somewhere else in the Dungeon.

'That's gross.'

Even though I found it completely disgusting the entire Second Floor of this Dungeon is only zombies so I'm going to have to put up with it. Since the zombie is just walking in circles I walk closer to kill it.

Upon the zombie noticing my presence, it screeches and runs towards me at a speed that I was not expecting. The zombie was pretty fast considering that it was decomposing. Since it was coming towards me I slash at the incoming zombie but make sure to not kill it so I can use heal to finish it instead.


After using heal on the zombie it gets absorbed back into the Dungeon but some teeth are laying where it once was.

'Yeah, I'm not touching that. That's disgusting.'

Since I decided to ignore the zombie drops if they continue to drop teeth I try and quickly find the stairs to the third floor of the Dungeon since the second floor was so unsatisfying. After about half an hour of looking while hunting any zombies that I came into contact with I decided that I'll just come back tomorrow.

While on the way back up to the surface I ran into some more zombies on teh second floor and some skeletons as well. I was even more surprised when I got a notification from the system after defeating a golden skeleton.

[You have killed a "Golden Skeleton"... Received 3000 Experience]

[Congratulations you have reached level 11.]

After defeating a golden skeleton I had received enough experience to reach level 11. Although I was happy about the level up I was unsatisfied that even though I had been using heal on the undead this entire time it still hadn't leveled up. Considering that it was only level 3 right now I'm beginning to worry about future leveling speeds and how long they would take me.

As I left the Dungeon I pass by the same guards at the entrance while leaving so I gave my thanks for the information and head back to the capital of light to go grab some dinner. On the walk back to the capital I had begun thinking as to what it is that I want to do in this world. Even though I want to get stronger I have n goal as of yet. Even though it had been a little longer than a month since I've been here. As I walk while thinking of the different things that could become my goal a memory that I had long forgotten had popped into my mind again.

When I was about 10 I had been playing while my neighbor Reina had watched over me at the park. Even though all the other people were watching their kids in pairs she was the only lone one. Thinking that she was lonely I had told her 'I'll marry you when I get bigger. I promise.' and then went back to playing.

'I can't really keep that promise in this world can I?'

While reminiscing about the memories I had with Reina I had unintentionally walked all the way back to the capital without noticing.

'I guess that I'll have to make it my goal to go back and fulfill my promise won't I?' I chuckled to myself as I head back to the Inn.

Since it was a little late for dinner I had to wait for the food to be reheated as others sat in the tables drinking ale and beer. Whatever they were talking about they were saying it pretty loudly so I unintentionally overheard their conversation.

"Be careful while leaving the city. People have been reporting that they hear some people screaming but when they go to check it out they find nothing." One drunk person says to another while they drink more beer.

Even though they weren't talking to me what I had heard piqued my interest so I listened in for more information.

"Yeah Yeah, I know. Don't enter the forest, and don't go out of the city alone. The guards have already put up a notice at the gates leading out the city. You hear anything new about it?" One of the drunk people says with a grin in his face.

"Of course, I had heard that some of the screams were people screaming 'Why won't it activate?' and 'Where did it go?'. These rumors are floating around for now so the lord was going to put a quest up at the adventurer's guild to find more information.

After receiving my food and listening in some more I got some interesting information that I didn't think I would run into in this world. With an unknown entity hunting people in the forest that I came from and the fact that something won't activate or it disappeared only brought up something, I got from reading Japanese web novels for too long. Someone is hunting people down for their items.