They Can Talk

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"Holy shit! That doesn't look normal!" (Jessica)

"It doesn't. He was hit by something really really hard on the head." (Jordi)

"The boy was sharp and witty. Who would have done that to him?" (Molly)

*mumble mumble mumble*

The scene was horrifying if not bizarre as if Leon had gone insane.

Jordi was the one who found him. He was not on the roof but rather stumbling in the backyard with a scary appearance as the blood coming from his eyes, ears and nose was clotted in a dried stream. Leon himself was muttering words and sometimes laughing yet he was all dizzy and stumbling.

"Did you check the boot where he hides his money?" Madam Ruth asked.

"Why?" Jordi seemed reluctant to look into Leon's things.

"Just do it."

Getting urged by Ruth, Jordi took the right shoe off Leon's feet and hit it a few times on the table then turned to Ruth and shook his head indicating that nothing was in there.

"It seems the boy was mugged." Ruth said as she took a strong breath of her smoking pipe and blew it at Leon's face, "Someone took his money and hit him hard on the head."

"So… he's brain dead?" Jessica asked.

"Hell if I know." Madam Ruth shrugged her shoulders and walked away, "He was just a Rat for a day. Toss him in the street or whatever."

Seeing her indifferent attitude, a look of disdain couldn't help but appear on Jordi's face and a look of sadness appeared on Molly's while Jessica remained with a poker face.

This scene was happening in the back room of the saloon where the customers couldn't see what was happening. Jordi was the one who brought Leon after the Dogs loitering in the backyard found him and both Jessica and Molly were called in order to deal with this situation. Ruth also happened to notice and casually decided to cast Leon away as he is now not even useful as a Rat. As she was far enough, Jordi looked at the messed up Leon and spoke.

"And I wagered he'll return with a messed up face in a week, took him less than a day. What should we do?"

"You heard the Madam, throw him out." Jessica said.

"You serious? The poor boy won't even find peace." Molly protested, "Jordi boy, let's take him to the temple."

"Woah! Hold your horses." Jessica stopped Molly, "The temple doesn't help Rats, that's the fucking Rat Curse. You know that."

Molly stopped with agonizing anger quilled under the wrinkles of her past middle-aged face. She looked at Jordi who seemed as helpless as she is and couldn't find any hint of a solution on his round dumb face. The Temple surely doesn't accept healing Rats. Actually, both the First and Second Estates (Temple and Nobles) won't even consider the lowest of the low from the Third Estate (Commoners) as people, especially the Rats. The ones who labeled them with that name were those people after all.

"Then what should we do? I am not letting another boy die." Molly said.

"You and your…" Jessica wanted to curse at Molly but she stopped, "Listen, I know a good man, a Monkey who used to be a doctor. He takes in people like this but don't wish for a miracle. I'll go wear something and come with you."

The three nodded to each other. Jessica headed towards her room to change and tell another girl to replace her behind the bar. Molly went back to her kitchen to do the same and Jordi went to dress something clean.

No one was left to watch over for Leon.

In these kinds of Saloons, there is a bar and a number of tables and chairs then there is the upper floor where most of the service rooms are. The upper floor was naturally open to the saloon's hall and from up there, the girls would stand on the rail and make themselves appealing to the customers down there, any customer who likes any of the girls can just ask Jessica and she would call them down for the customer to have the time of his life.

All in all, those girls up there have a total view of what's happening down there and they of course could see the scene regarding Leon. Between those girls, one seemed interested in what's going on and thought about going to see.

"I am going over there." She said to one of her mates.

"Wait, Judy. Jessica will yell at us if we go there." one of her friends tried to stop her.

"And the Madam told us to not get close to the working boys even if they pay." another one said.

"Pft! Yeah, whatever."

Judy didn't really give much thought to it and walked by herself. Her usual group of friends numbering three of the girls reluctantly followed her down as the four of them always stick together being the newest girls in the saloon and all.

Judy took the stairs down and turned to the corner behind them where Leon was lying on a few pillows. Judy arrived near Leon and watched him closely. The other girls arrived as well and all surrounded Leon from different angles.

"He looks fine to me." One of them said.

"I know. When Jordi brought him, he had blood all over his face and Molly cleaned it." Another replied.

"Hear that, he's saying something." The third said.

The four girls approached him together really close to hear what he's mumbling yet they didn't figure out what he was saying. They sounded like words but very complicated and fast as if he was reading something and repeating it over and over with his eyes hazy.

"The poor chick~ looks like he really lost it~ sad." One of them, being the dumbest and with the biggest pair, said.

"Don't worry, I know what can get any man straight up and running." The second, being the nastiest yet with the smallest pair, spoke.

She took Leon's left hand and opened the upper bottom of her dress then put his palm on her right boob while rubbing them against each other.

"This will heal him." She said cheekily.

"Fufufu! I will assist you from this side." The third of the girls, being the calmest and with a medium-sized chest, said as she copied the second.

"Weren't the three of you having cold feet just now?" Judy looked at her friends utterly speechless.

"Come on, Judy. At least this one isn't like those disgusting old men. His skin is so soft and warm." The second said.

"Yeah! I almost want him to melt on me." The third said acting all naughty, "And he won't remember anything."

Judy sighed but realized something as she looked at Leon's face.

"Speaking of old people, I once had a customer who spasmed from me and almost went to the Spirits between my legs. I had to give him a kick to bring him back." Judy said.

"No~ don't kick the poor guy." The first girl took Leon's head between her large boobs and hugged him tightly.

"I am not gonna kick him, you dolt." Judy replied as slid her hand into her bra and pulled out a small vial, "A Kick."


Kick was a drug in the market, very strong and effective. In brothels, this thing would be sold to the customers who are having all sorts of difficulties such as keeping up with the energetic prostitutes or… climbing up the ranks.

"Hold his head for me." Judy said and the first girl who fixed Leon's head on her chest which was going all boing boing.

Judy used the vial and put some of its content on the tip of her finger and sat up on his torso. The content was a white powder with a funny smell to it, she held Leon's chin and raised it up then put that small amount of powder under his nose and blocked his mouth with her hand.

"Now breathe… take a strong one in." She said with a grin.

And all of a sudden, Leon's body quivered and his eyes were wide open as he pushed the girls. Judy panicked and retreated but the Kick Vail was spilled all over her chest.

"Good stuff!"


*A minute ago in Leon's head*

It was all hazy save for those messages that were stuck in front of him.

< Analyzing… 78.0255% >

< ERROR! Analysis is halted due to Cerebral Shortage! >

< ERROR! [The Arcane Theory] is classified as SSS Material. A lot of Data will be stored in the subconscious. Retrieving them will require acquiring their Base Data. >

< ERROR! Brain Activity Malfunctioned! Shutting Down until outside assistance is acquired! >

In this state, Leon's thoughts were almost frozen in the void of his mind. He didn't even get to feel much about what is happening to his body. Hell, he didn't even know anything at this moment other than the Data stuck in his head.

At that moment. A strange object appeared in the blur of his vision and strange thoughts started to reach him. He understood the shape of the object being round and felt nice.

It was a fascinating sight as if he discovered something he never ever witnessed before. It is like the creation has come to him in its base form. One round object suddenly split and multiplied.

It was a warm feeling akin to the early phases of creation where everything just started from one cell. The universe, the stars, the galaxies, everything around it was just dead and this small thing that just split into two represented the first sign of life… ever!

Then another split happened and the two became four. Leon slowly regained what was gone from his consciousness and understood the beauty of creation. He Believed!

But when the four became eight, everything started to have a new meaning. Evolution, Biology, History, Wars, Politics, Medicine and Craft. It all started to make sense in the funniest of ways.

And he arrived at the truth!

< Absorbing a Brain Activity Booster! >

< Analysis… 78.0255% … 82.8789% … 90.2354% >


And he woke up realizing that he snorted something strong. His eyes opened and he rushed up pushing the people around him to the side even though they were looking at him frozen in bewilderment.

"Good stuff!" He took another strong snort but it was just air.

Looking ahead, there was only one girl with an empty vail in her hand. He looked at her right in the eye and saw her shock and amazement.

"Excuse me! You have more of that?" He asked.

His appearance was bad but just a second ago but he is now brimming with power and vigor. Judy didn't know what to say but at the mention of more Kick, she gazed at her bosom where most of the drug was spilled on her.

Leon saw where her eyes looked and his eyes widened.

"Do you mind?" He asked.

"N- No!" Judy replied shaking her head but unlike what she gave off, this was disapproval rather than a reply.

"Thank you."

And that's all what he needed. His right and left were stuck in some soft places yet he pulled them out and held Judy closer then with all his attention focused on her bosom, he took a dive in.

This feeling, this softness, this euphoria. He returned once again to the world of discovery and instead of watching the cells split and grow into a colony, he entered even closer to observe the inner mysteries of the universe. The glorious rotation of the double helix DNA, the split of the atom, the world in its tiniest looking exactly the same as the world in its grandest. The Analysis screen almost malfunctioned once again from how fast the count went until it became.

< Analysis… 91% … 93% … 95% … 100% >

< Analysis Complete! >

< The [Arcane Theory] has been completely registered! >

And Leon let go of Judy, he looked at her with a warm charming smile he nodded while saying his thanks in the composure of a scholarly person.

He was still unsteady as he took his first step away from the four stunned girls only to run into Jessica who looked at him with bewilderment followed by Jordi and Molly.

"Leo! You're up?" Jordi couldn't believe what he saw.

"You had us worried, lad. You feeling alright? What happened to you?" Molly as well went ahead to check on him.

Leon raised his index for the others to give him a second. His eyes were steady still not in a calm way but rather in a weird one as if he was thinking deeply about something he looked at Jordi, Jessica and Molly with those shocked eyes. His attitude was almost crazy.

"I heard them." He said.

"What?" Jessica blinked.

Leon looked around as if he didn't want anyone else to hear.

"Boobs…" He said.

"Huh?" Jordi tilted his head.

"… they can talk!"

< [Mental Resistance Lv.1 > Lv.4] >

< [Heresy Resistance Lv.1 > Lv.2] >

< Due to extensive reading, Intelligence has increased by 10! >

< You have gained the Title {Arcane Theorist} >

< You have gained the Special Skill [Unrestrained Magic] >


< Status >

- Name: Leon Dark

- Age: 16

- Race: Human

- Level: 13

- Class: Warrior (+10% STR)

- Class: Sentinel (+10% END)

- Titles:{Legendary Thief} {Man Slayer} {Black Cobra} {Arcane Theorist ★} {Loser} {Rat}


< Attributes >

[STR: 17] [END: 18] [AGI: 19] [PRC: 19] [INT: 28]


< Proficiency >

- Talent: 200%

- Affinity: All

- Special: Dual Class


< Skills >

[Artillery Technique Lv.9]

[Blade Technique Lv.6]

[Unarmed Technique Lv.5]

[Stealth Technique Lv.8]

[Riding Technique Lv.5]

[Martial Technique Lv.5]

[Engineering Technique Lv.3]

[Poison Resistance Lv3]

[Pain Resistance Lv.2]

[Physical Resistance Lv.1]

[Mental Resistance Lv.4 ★]

[Heresy Resistance Lv.2 ★]

[Hemorrhage Resistance Lv.1 ★]

[Space-Time Magic Lv.1]

[Knowledge Magic Lv.1]

[Air Magic Lv.1]

[Earth Magic Lv.1]

[Combat Magic Lv.2]


< Special >

[Ring of Relife]

[Unrestrained Magic ★]


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