Free Falling

Once the escape hatch opened, Danny began to fear for his life. He flailed his arms trying to grip onto something. Anything. But he was positioned in the middle of the room, so there was nothing he could grab to prevent him from falling. Questioning his prior knowledge he began to wonder if Sector-K was just a myth, they actually just killed all the convicts? He began to think to himself. Resigning himself to his fate Danny closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

As he was falling he suddenly remembered that there was food crates dropping with them, calling himself dumb for jumping to conclusions he calmed himself down when he realized they were not out to kill him. Although they were dropped out of an airship thousands of feet above the ground, they were still expected to survive, well most of them were. You can't expect everyone to live from being dropped from and airship without a parachute now can you?

As he began to fall he looked around and saw he was falling down from about five thousand feet in the air. Five thousand feet in the air without a parachute? No matter where he landed Danny knew this was going to hurt. He looked up from the airship that dropped him and saw that it flew into Sector-K from a hole that opened up in a dome. The air ship began flying away after it exited the hole in the dome that was covering the sky. That was the dome that prevented the prisoners from escaping Sector-K? Danny thought to himself as he looked at it in awe as he forgot the situation he was in.

The dome was purple in color and it looked as if lightning was constantly running through it. The lightning bolts running through the dome would sometimes crash into one another creating loud booms that reverberated across the sky, even Danny could hear it through the turbulent wind that was rushing past his ears.

As the hole in the dome began to close up where the air ship exited the lightning gradually became tranquil once more. They no longer crashed into each other and began to swirl around each other in a harmonious state like there was no hole there in the first place.

Thinking of his survival Danny stopped looking at the intriguing spectacle and looked towards the ground and began to prepare a plan to ensure his survival. He knew not everyone would be surviving today and he would damn well make sure that he was one of the ones that made it out alive.

They had already fallen about one thousand feet when he saw a giant lake that was progressively getting bigger in his field of vision due to him falling at a rapid pace. This was the water the man on the loudspeaker was talking about Danny thought to himself as he surveyed the lake.

The lake was very large and was several miles across with roughly forty percent of its surround area being rocky and mountainous with the rest gradually becoming a sandy beach as the two sides converged into one another.

The lake had varying colors of blue with the darker shades of blue symbolizing a deeper depth. The deeper part of the lake was closer towards the mountainous side of the lake. Danny had no clue as to how deep the lake actually was so he determined that the best course of action would be to aim for the deepest part of the lake.

What about the dangers lurking withing the lake? He suddenly thought about a television broadcast called Monster Hunter he previously saw when he was little. The Show talked about certain wild animals that received a mutation due to the meteor that are called fierce beasts. The shows main topic that day was a fish had the power that made it scales razor sharp and allowed them to rotate around its body like an electric saw called a razor fish. Just imagining the thought of him having to meet one of these in the lake gave him goosebumps.

He fiercely shook himself to clear his emotions and threw the thought out of his head. He then began to position himself to glide towards the deepest part of the lake so he would have the highest chance of survival. He leaned his body forwards and started to dive towards the lake.

As he was gliding he had to try and dodge the other who were falling with him. Some of them were just as composed as he was with their own ideas of how to ensure their survival while the majority were just flailing their arms while screaming. A few of them were even crying for their mothers while curled in the fetal position. Danny felt like laughing as the sight was pretty comical, them curled up in a ball while falling through the air.

As the food crates had parachutes on them they fell at a progressively slower pace than the convicts and by the time they got their bearings the convicts were too far away to grab a hold on to them to slow their descent.

The lake was now withing five hundred feet of him and he began to spread his body as much as possible to slow his descent. He had already reached terminal velocity and was in free fall, so he knew that he was falling very very fast. He braced himself for impact, then got as straight as he could to prepare to pencil dive into the lake.

He knew this was the best way to fall into the lake as his feet would hit first instead of his head preventing him from getting knocked unconscious and standing straight like he was was the best way to break the surface tension of the water. He prepared himself for the oncoming collision and closed his eyes, then he hit the water coming in at one hundred and twenty two miles per hour.