Sunset Mountain Range (1)

Henry decided on taking a trip to Sunset Mountain range so that I would be able to evolve my ability. He has told me before we even left that he wont help me even if my life is in danger because I need to use that to make my ability evolve. No pain no gain right?

Henry went to the nearest town over and bought a wagon and some horses that we could use for the journey. There are cars in Sector-K, but only the richest people could buy them. However, people are able to use trees to make wagons so there is a lot of them here. There are also horses that are wild until they get domesticated.

I was told that my drop into Sector-K was lucky because I didn't get caught into the blood bath that ensues after the food drops. The food is very important because it is considered a rare delicacy that can be sold for a lot of money. There is a currency only usable in Sector-K called Kilns that is green paper with a stamp on it provided by the Tempest Dynasty. The biggest force here in Sector-K is Tempest Dynasty as they call themselves. They control the left half of Sector-K with the other half being controlled by a bunch of little groups who's names are not important.

Tempest Dynasty is trying to take control over all of Sector-K, but whenever they would start to take over one of the smaller groups they would all unite to push them back so they have not made any progress so far. The Emperor of Tempest Dynasty is a man named Earl. His ability is to create Earth Quakes that are able to level cities. He was classified as an A rank ability user and is one of the strongest people in Sector-K.

He has escaped from Sector-K two times before, but the last time he was caught again by the Department of Criminal Justice he was told he would be killed if he escaped again. Due to this he decided to form the Tempest Dynasty and take over Sector-K so he can fight back against the Department of Criminal Justice. Even if he couldn't win, he would at least be able to live a better life in Sector-K than he is right now.

I was taught all there is needed to know about Sector-K during his training period. Henry also gave me a book that listed all the known fierce beasts. There were beasts in there that I hoped to never see in my life, like the Fire Dragon, or the three headed dog Cerberus who are both SSS ranked beasts. Then there are F ranked beasts like the Red-Eyed Rabbit who even normal people without abilities can hunt for food. If an animal has no special ability it is also not given a rank, but most have abilities even if they are useless.

I sighed and hoped for the best as I jumped onto the wagon with Henry as we began our journey towards Sunset Mountain Range. I was classified as a S rank when I had my sniper in hand because I was so deadly, but now without my weapon I am way weaker. I think even with a bow I would be a C rank, but Henry wanted me to use a sword or my fists to fight so that I would be able to fight better later on in my life.

I Think it would be difficult for me to take on a D rank Fierce beast now because my ability doesn't give me any extra combat prowess. Maybe its like Henry said and my ability will evolve then I would be able to fight better. Well lets get this over with as soon as I can, so that I can train in my sword skills more when we come back.


Bouncing up and down Henry and Danny are facing each other in the back of the Wagon that is on the road towards Sunset Mountain Range. They have been on the road for two days already and Henry has said they will be at the Range withing the hour. Danny looked out the front of the Wagon and gasped "That's Sunset Mountain Range right?" as he pointed towards some mountains in the distance.

The mountains were dark grey at the bottom and towards the top they began to become a peachy orange with dark spots speckled about. In the middle of the mountains there was a smaller yellow mountain that was dome shaped and when you put the whole range together it looked like a sunset.

"Yeah, we are about an hour away" Henry said. "Once we get there you will go off on your own into the mountains and I will wait at the Inn that's just outside." Danny nodded as he looked at the Mountain Range.

An hour later they arrived in front of an Inn that was situated just outside the Mountain Range. It was Called Breaking Dawn. They made the Inn because a lot of people come to the mountain range to kill fierce beasts for food, or to sell them for money. The Inn has to hire guards because this is a prison for convicts and if they don't they would get robbed every other day.

They walk into the Inn and buy two rooms that cost twenty kiln a night. All products are on the dollar because there is no change in Sector-K. "Can you take care of our horses and Wagon also?" Henry tells the Inn manager. "It will cost ya five bucks extra a night"

"That's no problem just make sure to keep the horses well fed." Nodding his head the manager called to a boy in the back and sent him outside to take care of the wagon.

Satisfied Henry walked up the stairs with Danny following behind him. "Kid you are going to rest here for the night and you will leave to the Range first thing in the morning". Danny voiced his agreement then went into the room so he could get a good nights rest.