Chapter 16


The Event has Ended, thank you for your participation.


All players who participated will receive a basic Leaf voucher(can be used at Magiri's general store.

Remaining rewards will be given based upon level of contribution.

I receive 5 basic Leaf Vouchers, 2 advanced Leaf Vouchers, and one Unique leaf Voucher.

The purification was complete. It also pre-maturely ended the event. The purification power was meant to send demons back to where the came from, the dark equator. As the wave passed over it also sent back the players and NPC's to the sun-side of the planet, destroying the portals in the process.

The Goddess once again smiled at us and said, "Well done." before disappearing in a flash of light.

We could hear the cheers from the NPC's outside of the tree. The Ancient Treant Loriel had somehow made it to her feet as dozens of Moon elves swarmed the tree, cheering and yelling. I felt...glad that I had did the right thing...I think. The elves hailed us as hero's, and thanked us profusely for our help. We quickly tell Loriel we will come back to talk to her once things calm down a little, and excuse ourselves.

We step outside and Tower, the leader of the Storm-shield guild is waiting.

" Well done Myth, I never thought the paralyzed son of a financial tyrant would have so much skill. You did better than me, even. You will be instrumental in this war, come join our guild, together we will be unstoppable. Your whole team can join, even that rat Legend."

Thankfully Legend managed to keep his cool.

"No thanks. No offense you'll only get in the way. Now, if you don't mind I'm looking for someone. We three are basically hero's to these people, so they will probably..."

Critical Hit

-750🔥 (0/500HP)


Legend has slain player Tower! He will be marked as a red player for the next hour!

Tower's head disintegrated as legend's impromptu Flame Spear went through his skull.

" us hide the body." I finished, as Tower's body turned to digital nothingness.

"Sorry, couldn't take his bull.. I'll catch up with you guys in an hour." Legend said, as he disbanded from the group and ran off.

"Alright, see ya." I said laughing.

Now that the event was over, the NPCs return to their homes and places of occupation. The village returns to more normal than it has been in a long time. Marvin had been secretly spreading the seeds of destruction throughout the land for years and now all demonic influence had been completely eradicated. The people were ecstatic.

I was so exhausted I could barely stand up so I went to the inn to take a nap.
