
//Now, back to our regular scheduled programming!//

//This chapter will be from the MC point of view. Myth or Nathan. Sorry if changing perspectives bothers you, it will not be a common thing. I felt it was necessary for story building purposes.//

I pumped my draconic wings with all of my strength, surging upward into the sky. I was barely 40 feet off the ground when I felt a pain in my left wing as a dagger ripped through.

You have taken 258 damage! (242/500HP)


Poison is trying to affect your body...


Poison immunity renders poison ineffective.


You have absorbed the poison(sleep)!


Draconic snake form can now produce {sleep poison}


Drake form can now produce a breath attack infused with the sleep poison. This poison will render the victim unconscious if they fail a constitution check during the duration of the poison.

I had no time to be happy about these new abilities because the attack reduced my health by half and tore a huge, gaping hole in my wing. I instantly lost control of my flight. No longer able to keep myself aloft, I spiraled and quickly dropped towards the ground.

I cast healing breeze on myself. Green energy infused with my body, instantly returning 10% of my lost health. The spell would continue to heal me at a smaller rate for about ten seconds, which would hopefully be enough.

As I fought to orient myself I thought I saw the Moon Goddess standing next to Tower, but couldn't look back to see for sure. I was freaking out and it was not helping. I took a deep breath and gained control, finally beginning to slow my dangerous descent as I waited for my wing to heal. 30 feet...20 feet...the ground drew closer and closer with every moment.

I was fifteen feet from the ground when my wound finally healed enough to allow me to pull up into a steady glide.


The Moon Goddess has chosen player "Tower" as one of her warriors! (5/10)

What? Now?

My sharp drop rapidly propelled me forward, while only a few feet above the enemy. I was disoriented and confused when I heard Tower's voice yell out , "Myth! Shift to wolf form and howl in exactly one second! Legend use your strongest attack in two seconds. Please! Just trust me!"

Wolf form? Does he not know I am flying? If I shift right now I could take a lot of damage!

I didn't have time to ponder, so I went with my gut and decided to trust him, though it sounded pretty crazy.

In mid air I shifted to wolf form and used howl.

The earsplitting cry erupted from my mouth stunning the enemies within close proximity and sent those who failed their will save running in fear.

I braced myself for a jarring landing and saw a blue arrow zip by me. This arrow lodged in something invisible, that was directly in my path. The arrow hung suspended in the air for a millisecond before purple fairy fire spread to the edges, highlighting and revealing the form of a person. (Fairy Fire is a purple fire that is well known throughout the past war games for its ability to reveal stealth and invisible units)

I was delightfully surprised to see that I was on a collision course with the enemy commander, the assassin that had killed me, Nax. He was somehow within the range of my howl, and had become stunned.

My mind was blown. How had Tower managed that?!

Wait! The assassin must have been the one to attack me. He was positioning himself where he knew I would be to finish me off.

I bared my teeth and prepared to sink my jaws into his helpless neck, despite what would happen to my body. At the last second, Nax broke free from the stun and tried to dodge by dropping to the ground, but he left hand was left within my reach.

I snapped down with all my might on his hand as I flew over him. I felt my teeth sink all the way to the bone. The force of my momentum shredded the flesh from his hand and slowed me down enough that I only lightly slammed into the ground.

You have dealt 200 damage!(250/450HP)


You have successfully disarmed your enemy!


That's when I noticed the sleek black dagger that lay on the ground between me and the assassin.

Holy cow! He had a dagger in his hand! If I had attacked even slightly differently that dagger would be in my skull. Nax looked down at the dagger and went for it. I stepped forward and snapped at him, intent on finishing him off. He rolled to the side, easily dodging my attack but coming no closer to his weapon. His hand was a bloody digusting mess, yet he did not seem bothered by it. He was focused on getting his weapon, but he couldn't get close enough without giving me a free strike. I heard Legend cheer as a fire-ball exploded somewhere to my right. "Good man, Tower! Whoo! This guy's going down!"

Nax tried again, but a blue arrow hit him in the shoulder, reducing his health by 20%.

This weapon must be special. Nax's forces were in trouble, and he seemed to realize it yet he still did not want to leave the dagger. Another arrow flew at him, but he rolled backward to his fellow warriors dodging the attack. With one final glance of annoyance he retreated towards the safety of his healing unit. The fairy fire would prevent him from entering stealth and re-engaging for a short while at least.

I looked around and realized I was back at the spot where I had defeated the beast-master. My squad had pushed past the first line and surged around me. They took advantage of the enemies weakened forces and attacked with a savage fury.

Shifting to Elven form I reached down to pick up the dagger but was met with a notification.


Cannot loot item. Soul-Bound to player, Nax.

Damn! There's gotta be a way...

A lightbulb went off in my head.

I called out to bloom over the comm, "Bloom, can you can use quicksand on my location from where you are?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Will you please do that? Ill explain later. "

"Alright, one second..."

I sent commands to my squad to clear the area. I stood on the hilt of the dagger as the ground turned to shifting sand. I felt the dagger begin to sink, so I leaped into the air while shifting to drake form. Pumping my wings, I flew away from the quicksand as the weapon disappeared under the surface.

Good luck finding it now.