How much...wood...could it really chuck?

After a moment of silence the mice exploded with cries of "Jorgyn!" and "He's alive!"


You have unlocked a new skill[Bluff]-+20% chance to convince npc.

The mouse in charge sauntered up to me and asked, "What happened? Did you defeat the snake?"

Using my new bluff skill I quickly made up an epic tale of how I single handedly led the snake to be crushed by a boulder.

"and then...I leveled up! I got this new form for my bravery. "

My bluff had succeeded. The mice were sitting on the proverbial edge of their seats, hanging on every word.

This only led the mice to want to complete their own quest and level up themselves. It took a minute to convince them I had hit my head and lost my memory, but once successful they told me everything.